Whoa! Governments should resist the temptation of agreeing on how to solve the problems experienced by millions and billions worldwide!
Instead governments should be slapped into sobriety. Serve your people first. (Your tens and hundreds of thousands, your millions and tens of millions).
Over a hundred million, into a billion? Maybe your government has, over time, become a leech, and a parasite, and a zombie on life support, with disproportionate influence? A control freak? A too-big-to-fail gobbling up more resources than needed? Ideally, it should subdivide into more manageable daughter cells, instead of metastasising into something much bigger?
Is the world ready to understand that smaller is better? That the bigs leading to more monopoly and more control is absolutely a step in the wrong direction? Maybe it’s high time to realise the pressing need to steer clear of the illusion of centrally administered one-size-fits-all solutions, today’s globalist megalomaniacs’ trap paved with good intentions?
Power corrupting. What if global governance is doomed to fail? But only after distributing tremendous destruction of cultures and livelihoods? What if the model cannot work and does not work? Mainly because it brings with it all the nightmares of monopoly and power corrupting. And absolute power corrupting absolutely.
Do we have any evidence of this? We certainly need to give examples, otherwise this is mere simplification and living in the past. Global times need global solutions, right!?
Yes and no. Growing numbers of people across the globe are beginning to realise that globalism is taking away their local identity, and they are in a battle with an increasingly consolidated and monolithic kind of hocus-pocus and propaganda.
Yes, we need cooperation, we always have. But to do this first we need honesty and truth, and more citizen participation. Not more rule by international elites and oligarchs at a distance. Abstract and insulated from the everyday worries of regular people. That should be self-evident. But which way are things going?
Climate and Covid. It can also be argued at length, but I’m not going to do it here, that our present greatest global crises requiring tremendous global solutions are less certain than first proclaimed. Yet these have snowballed to capturing legislatures, despite not delivering on their promises, and are dividing society. Try googling the YouTube video ‘’50 to 1 Project, Interview with David Evans’’ for a mind-blaster of information I am betting you’ve never heard quite like this, that may be changing the public narrative via the scientists in about 2 years time.
Pays to keep one’s mind open. There is the growing phenomenon of rather huge demonstrations on the streets (not always beamed to us on our national evening news channels), as we saw with the yellow vests in France, and as we’re now seeing in Austria protesting vaccine mandates. It’s as if good governmental intentions occasionally go mad. Dubious at the least, fraudulent at worse. Since when is any vaccine better than durable natural antibodies… the official narratives are imploding, doubling down, mixed up in fear and pretzel logic? You tell me!!? We’re not quite sure. Is it science or the capture of science? But what we do know for sure, is that these purported crises have become levers for control. And are concentrating power into fewer hands.
Civilisation is at a precipice. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, governments are not sure what to do, but feel the need to act. Many people, world over, are becoming fearful of societal and governmental pressure either marching us willingly, or dragging us kicking and screaming, into promises of safety and equality. Yet clearly at the expense of individual freedoms and democratic say. Not so popular anymore. Even censorship has suddenly become ‘’acceptable’’ to many. I never thought I’d see the day. This is a global crisis. We’ve been told this is the New Normal.
Promises. If globalism is mostly an excuse to expand markets, it is happening at the sacrifice of local autonomy and control of one's own traditions and lives. The promise is economic security. Not so much border or cultural security. A lack of the latter impoverishes a society’s soul, but is economic security happening or increasingly feeling like a lie? I think we know the answer.
Globalism is always smiling, but is it your friend? Some of us are becoming convinced globalist practices are as morally bankrupt as they are practically unfeasible. In its monopoly of the narrative, the entire predominant globalist machinery in government, academia and the media, seems to be setting us up with irreversible conditions for corruption and technocratic authoritarianism. Cronyism and demise.
India is a case in point. What is happening there in the name of globalism and corporate farming practices championed by Bill Gates and agriculture giants like Monsanto flies directly in the face of their promises of ‘’efficiency and plenty for the world’’. But we are not being told about this in the managed mainstream. Please watch this 3 minute video interview below, with scholar and food sovereignty advocate Vandana Shiva on ‘’the Real Cause of World Hunger’’. It should make your blood curdle.
Vandana Shiva: ‘’First thing to recognise about hunger is that today it is a rural phenomenon. It’s mainly in third world countries. It’s mainly among communities that are actually agricultural communities. So why are people who are growing food going hungry themselves? They are going hungry because everything they are growing has to be sold in order to pay for the costly seeds and the costly chemicals. . So, a high cost chemical for agriculture is a recipe for hunger. Secondly, the models of agriculture that chemical farming has promoted are monocultures. Monocultures are nutritionally impoverished. The same acre of land, using biodiversity, using organic and ecological methods, could produce 5–10 times more nutrition than a monoculture can. So maximising the production of commodities for international trade is directly proportionate to the decrease in nutrition availability to local communities, which is why hunger grows, If the world is to be fed, it has to be fed by growing food locally to be used locally, as the biggest proportion of the food basket’’.
It gets a whole lot more interesting than that. Interesting and damning.
‘’Great Reset’’. Are we all familiar with this yet? If the World Economic Forum's bizarrely out-of-touch Great Reset is the best the globalists can offer, we are in very, very deep trouble. Brazenly claiming “you will own nothing, and be happy" may be the greatest delusion and outright manipulation ever invented. If this doesn’t speak volumes about what’s in store for society if we give it our trusting blessing, we deserve it.
Do we deserve it? And isn’t this the crux of the matter? This future vision proposed by Davos international multi-millionaires and billionaires is plainly a new kind of feudalism. A rental society divided into owners and everybody else. The entire proposition perversely echoes mythical vampire logic. A blood-sucking vampire will not enter your home, and make a meal of you, uninvited. These leaders of technology and finance want you to be happy with their techno-feudalist order. Then all is good. It really is bizarre. More bizarre is seeing intelligent persons mesmerised by it. Check out the twitter posting of this Danish politician. Google her considerable writings on the subject.
What in the world!? The world should instead be thinking of economic and geopolitical arrangements that allow for maximal diversity of choice and options within some scales of efficiency. Efficiency should not be an end goal, freedom should be. (You don't know what you've got until it's gone).
Appeal for an antiglobalist world alliance. I have not yet read this, but Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano might be on the right track.
Considering for a moment that humans can come up with the damnedest things, and considering the human tradition of enslaving one’s fellow man if given the opportunity, is it too big of a leap in imagination to say there is really nothing new under the sun and perhaps we should be mindful of it?
I think it stands to reason we simply cannot assume the best. Caution is the best policy. Without protective firewalls against the spread of a malignant system -and the one in consideration is the surveillance digitised state and forms of one world governance (considered by many to be an inevitability)- humans on the earth could easily be doomed to rule by unaccountable faceless bureaucrats, or a hidden and/ or extravagantly visible owner class. A person with any sense of history might call this a nightmare of untold dimensions.
Caution, and a plea. This is why, for better or worse, utopian revolutionary change should not be undertaken in the faint hope that “this time things will be different". Utopia is usually the precursor of dystopia. Working on improving the existing Westphalian system of sovereign states (with borders, independent laws and governance) may be a far less risky way of ensuring a more varied multi-polar world of checks and balances. And choice. Maybe even freedom. I can’t wait to read what Carlo Maria Vigano has to say.
Cheers from Estonia!