I am an Engineer with mediocre grad scores and had only calls from IIM I and IIM K this year. This is the snapshot of IIM K interview.
There were 2 panel members. P1 -Female and P2- Male. Since I am a state level athletics player, P2 grilled me on all the world records and title holders. (I almost answered all of them correctly) I would like to mention two questions that left an impression.
P1- Which out of the three statements is correct? (She wrote it on a sheet of paper)
- A penguin flies towards east.
- The penguins flies towards north.
- A penguin fly towards south.
I gazed at the sheet and chose 1 as the answer. She asked me to have one more look at it. I checked all the spellings and reconfirmed my answer. I was happy that I had been asked such a simple question.
P1- Ok. Are you good with current affairs?
Me- Yes, not an expert but I am fairly aware of latest happenings.
P1- what makes the road broad ? (She didn't write it. Just asked it verbally)
I started thinking about current news, books, controversy, … But there were '0′ search results in my mental search engine.
Me- ( Just attempting to be funny) Making the road broad makes it broad.
Everyone burst out in laughter. I thought I had got away with this question too. And then the interviewers strolled through my academic knowledge.(Luckily I answered them all) And then I finished my interview.
I left the interview centre( IHM Mumbai) and caught a local for Thane. I began recalling the questions that I could not answer. I remembered the second question and suddenly it crossed my mind that adding prefix 'b' makes the road broad. It was a trap question. In order to divert my attention(which she successfully did) , she had asked me if I'm aware of current affairs.
I started recalling other questions too and I found that Penguins actually don't fly. She had just asked me 'Which statement is correct?' and I interpreted it as 'Which statement is GRAMMATICALLY correct?' So none of the option was correct. Smart Lady! wasn't she? And Stupid me!! Ain't I??
Verdict- Brutally Rejected.