Profile photo for Arushi Jamar

Here's my interview experience with IIM A.

It was a very balanced and smooth interview, hardly any grilling (which was strange because the guy just before me came out in the state of shock)

Panelists: One Prof (P1) and one alumnus (P2)

P1: So, you're a science student? (God knows why their sheet said I was from science)

Me: No, Sir! I am pursuing a Bachelors in Financial and Investment Analysis from Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, University of Delhi

P1: Where is this college?
Me: Vivek Vihar, East Delhi
P2: Why? Didn't you get through the ones in North Campus?
Me: *mental facepalm* I did sir, all except SRCC, but I joined this college for the course BFIA. This was something I really wanted to do. <Explained how CBS had a separate entrance procedure with an entrance test and interview, and is actually a decent college>

P1: So, why finance? Why such a niche course?
<gave my reasons, talked about my family and how I developed an interest in the field>

This was followed by some questions about Investment Banking because my brother is in the field

Now, the real interview starts:

P1: Have you been following the recent debate about policy rates? Why was Mr Rajan reluctant in reducing them?
Me: *God, I love Quora! Someone had asked exactly the same question a few days ago* Arushi Jamar's answer to What are the interest rates that RBI refused to cut and why does it matter? <Repeated my answer like a pro>

P1: Do you know what interest rate parity is?
Me: <Explained Covered and uncovered interest rate parity>

Me: <Wrote the equation. Explained>
P1: What is Beta in this equation?
Me: <Explained>
P1: Formula for calculating Beta?
Me: *I know the formula, have used it so many times. Yaad kyu nahi aa raha?!?! Kyaaaaaaa thaaa?! I hate myself*
Sorry, Sir! I am unable to recollect it right now.

P1: What factors do you think are used to calculate Beta?
Me: I think it is calculated using the market variance and the variance of the stock we are calculating the Beta of. <P1 looked satisfied>

P1: Is Beta used anywhere else? Any other application?
Me: *This is what they think of me now </3*
Yes, sir. It's used in Regression. <Explained single and multiple regression and the relevance of Beta in a desperate attempt to save my interview>

P2: Arushi, tell us something about Shaheed Sukhdev.
Me: The person or the college?
P2: The person.
Me: <Blurted out trivia I'd read on Wikipedia'
P2: When exactly did he die?
Me: 1930, Don't remember the exact date *Damn, why am I so bad at remembering dates*
P2: He died for our country and you don't know when he died?!
Me: *</3* I know what he died for, but not exactly when. <Talked about the crimes Sukhdev Thapar was sentenced for>

P2: Alright, What's the full form of RK Puram? (Cus my school is DPS RK Puram)
Me: Rama Krishna Puram
P2: Why?
Me: Named after Lord Rama and Lord Krishna probably?
P2: *Pokerface*
Me: Or maybe the Rama Krishna Ashram nearby? *Yaaaayyy*
P2: Why is the ashram called that?
Me: It's a part of Rama Krishna mission started by Swami Vivekananda. Maybe he named it after Lord Rama and Lord Krishna? :P
(It's named after Ramakrishna Paramahansa, his guru. I didn't know that then :/ )
P2: *Laughing at me secretly* Achchha okay, now tell me about this, this and this. You have 30 seconds. Use them wisely.
(this this and this being co-currics and extra-currics in my form)
<I did. I think I took more than 30 seconds>

This was followed by some small talk about my hobbies. And then:
P1: So what kind of fiction authors do you read?
Me: Dan Brown, George RR Martin... (They started laughing at this mention, stopped me and started talking about Dan Brown instead)

P2: Last book by Dan Brown?
Me: Inferno
P2: Could you give a plot summary?
Me: *suddenly super excited* <Gave them a very nice fancy plot summary>
P2: So, the book is about over population, huh? What's the scene with population in India?
Me: 1.2 billion. Growing at a fast pace.
P2: How fast?
Me: 18%
P2: per annum?
Me: Yeah!
No, wait! That would be a lot! 18% in 10 years I think.
P2: <gives me a look>

P1: So the protagonist tries to control population through infertility? Has anyone ever tried that in India?
Me: *confused, because the protagonist in inferno was a genius. It's fiction besides, no one has ever done what he does in the book*
Ummm, I do know people fighting infertility, but someone who promoted it..
P1: Someone who forced it on people?
Me: *taking the hint* Oh, Sanjay Gandhi, of course! During emergency!

P1 and P2: *almost smiling* That will be all. Here have a toffee.

Verdict - Converted :D

Moral of the story: Know everything about every word written on your form, even if it is the address of your school! And if you don't know the answer to any question, try to answer something related, just to convey to the panelist that there is at least something you know.

PS: The answer is too long already, I think I should post my Bangalore and Calcutta experience else where.

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