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Interview of IIM Kozhikode for PGP 2015-2017

Panellists: Two professors (P1 and P2)

* Had a horrible GD, so knew wouldn't make it. But fortunately did convert the call in the end*

The Interview:

P1: Hi! Please take your seat.
Me: *nervously takes my seat*

P1: *sensing that* Don't be nervous! Here, take a cookie. We are normal people.

P2: The nervous part comes later. *grinning*
Me: *smiled and totally ignored P2's remark*

P2: Tell me what "Nihar" means?
me:*happy* Sir, in my language, it means dew.

P2: And what is your language?
me: Odia.

P1: *got excited* Wow! Naveen's state? So tell me who is Kelucharan Mohapatra?
me:*had absolutely no idea. Told myself "tell something funny! funny! fast!" ended up with...* Sir, I know a lot of Mohapatras but unfortunately I don't know this particular one.
*both laugh*

P1: You really don't know him. He was such a fine dancer. I once saw him dance and ended up crying after his performance.
me:*poker face* Sir, he is a dancer for sure!

*both laugh*
P1: Okay tell me who is Sanjukta Panigrahi?
*no idea again but acted as if I was thinking quite hard. This is the time I realised, I ain't making it. *

P1: What's taking you so long? Either you know her or not.
me: Sir, I was thinking of a witty way of saying "no"
*both laugh*

P1: There are lot of "chalu" songs in Odia. *starts singing one* Can you sing one?
me:*amazed and impressed by P1's singing skills. I knew a few, but they were too "chalu" to be sung in an interview* Sorry sir, I am not a "chalu" guy.
*both smile*
P1: Are you implying I am a "chalu" guy?
me:*Shit! Didn't think about that.* No sir! I didn't mean that.

P2: Which Odia film did you watch recently?
me: Sir, I do not watch Odia movies.

P2: *gave a confused look* Are you one of those "only English speaking"" Odia people like Naveen Pattnaik?
me: No sir!

P1: Why do you think they changed "Orissa" to "Odisha". I liked the former one.
me: Sir, actually in Odia, it is called "Odisha". It was named "Orissa" so that the Britishers can say it well.

P1: Have you heard this song? *starts singing*
me: *haven't heard that one before* Sir, I think I got into the wrong room for the interview.

*both laugh*
P2: Do you know CNR Rao ?
me:*I knew I knew him for sure but didn't get it at that time.*

P2: Do you know who Sachin Tendulkar is?
me: *got the hint* Yes sir! And CNR Rao received the Bharat Ratna the same year as Sachin.

P1: Finally! *looking at P2" He gets one right.

P1: I see you have an impressive academic record. Why aren't you going for a MS?
me: Sir! I learnt in the first semester itself that engineering is not for me.

P1: How come you scored so well then?
me: It was my duty to do so. So, I did. But it is not something that I want to do for life.

P1: But we are losing a good engineer here!
me: But we are gaining a good manager here.

*both smile*
P2: Can I see your folder?
me:*scared. I didn't know they were going to see that. I was holding one just for the sake of holding one. It had everything in it in the most disorderly way possible* Sir, I didn't know you were going to see that. So, I haven't arranged them properly.

P2: It's okay. I think I will manage. We are just looking for areas to ask questions.
me: Okay, sir! Open at your own risk.
*P2 smiles*

P1: How old are you?
me: 21 sir!

P1: Have you been in love? Do you have a girlfriend?
me: *thinking "is it truly an IIM interview"* Luckily, a few times sir! And no sir I do not have a girlfriend.

P1: Really! How is that?
me: Sir, I have this habit of falling in love with all the "already committed" girls out there.
*P1 laughs*

P2:*going through my folder* You seem to have donated a lot of blood. What's your blood group?
me: O+
(This was followed by questions on blood donation like how many blood groups are there, what is RH factor, how frequently can one donate blood. He also asked 2 probability questions on that. Fortunately, I could answer all of them)

P1: Do you believe in God?
me: *what!!* Well, sir that depends on how you define God. For me, He is just an answer to a lot of unanswered questions out there.
( This was followed by a discussion on GOD. He quoted a few lines from the Bible on "stripping whores and all" (I don't remember) and asked, why do you think people believe in such a God? why do you think God said that? And then a few lines from "Bhagvad Gita" on the same line. And a few more questions.
*I marvelled at the knowledge of P1*
It was a nice discussion and I think I handled it well.)

P1: Will you hit your wife?
me: *going WTF* No sir!

P1: Domestic violence has been increasing at a rate of 160%. That means you will hit your wife.
me: Sir, I am having a hard time finding one. Do you really think I will hit her if I find her.

*both laugh*
P2: *still going through my folder* You seem to have studied a lot of subjects. *starts asking questions (rapid fire) looking at my mark-sheets*
How many types of chemical bonds are there?
Difference between C and C++.
Types of casting.
Difference between SI and CI engine.
(I don't remember a few and I managed to answer a few)
*He asked me to draw supply and demand graph*
me: *no idea, just drew some random graph*

P2: What is that? That is for inventory control!
P1: *looking at P2* Let it go. He will study that in IIM K.

P1: Which specialisation do you want to go for? like sales, finance and all
me: I haven't given much thought to that. I know we have common subjects in the first 2 semesters. I will decide that then. But, I have heard for engineers, operations management is a good option.

*both laugh*
P2: Who told you that! Let go, you will know later.

P1: What other IIM calls do you have?
me: B and I and the new ones.

P1: What is your order of preference if you convert all?
me:*Man! I hated that question. I have heard people being rejected over that.*

P1: Be completely honest.
me: Sir, that will be a great situation to be in.
*both smile*
I will give preference to B, then K and I.

P1: How did the other interviews go?
me: Bangalore one was fine. Messed up the Indore one. I am surely not going to convert that.

P1: What happened in the Indore interview?
me: Sir, I was the first guy to be interviewed. I was quite nervous. They asked me a lot of questions on general knowledge. And you know how much strong I am in that.

*both smile*
P1: Don't be so pessimistic.
me: I am not being pessimistic, sir. I am just being a realist.

P1: That will be all. Do you have any question for us?
me: Ah! yes sir. *looking at P1* Sir, Do you believe in God?

P1: Absolutely not.
P2: But I do. *Shows his fingers and the rings on them*

P1: If you get time, read Bhagat Singh's essay "Why I am an atheist". He was around your age when he wrote that.
P2: And who knows you might write one.
me: Then, sir you will be recommending my essays next time.
*everyone laugh*
*I stand up and thank them and show them the cookie they give me at the beginning and say "Finally I get to eat that" and leave*

Verdict: Converted I, K and B. Joining B.

P.S.: I might have missed some questions. I wrote what I could recollect at this time.
It's my first answer and I am too lazy to go through the post to check for any errors. So please ignore the typo and grammatical errors as I did. :D

To the People here for tips: It might not work for you what worked for me. The trick is to be confident and be honest.
The biggest mistake we make is considering it as an "interview", it is just a normal interaction. Don't over burden yourself, stay cool and calm and you will surely make it.
Good luck!

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