Because with money you can always buy the educated people to do all those things you want or need done. Anything humanly possible can be done if you have enough money. Money can’t buy you eternal life though, and education typically tries to get one to question God even exists. Neither public education or universities will even admit if evolution is true, then science predicts God probably exists as a highly evolved being of some sort, so let us discuss if there is any evidence in human history/affairs of some sort of highly evolved omnipotent “Q” who came off the Star Trek TV screen and bin doin some things in human history. Nope. You can’t even say that much. Tyrannical hypocrisy!
The government says evolution is FACT! The government also admits we have credible evidence of non-human craft in our skies. That is also something the government certifies is a FACT! Here’s the link:
Excerpt from link:
Nevertheless, Luis Elizondo, the former head of the classified program, told CNN in 2017 that he personally believes "there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone."
"These aircraft -- we'll call them aircraft -- are displaying characteristics that are not currently within the US inventory nor in any foreign inventory that we are aware of," Elizondo said of objects they researched. He says he resigned from the Defense Department in 2017 in protest over the secrecy surrounding the program and the internal opposition to funding it.
I find it VERY curious that those who don’t want to believe in God claim evolution is FACT! Supposedly, all credible scientists and government authorities have proven evolution is a FACT! Oddly enough, when I ask these same people that must mean the UFOs in our skies can only be highly evolved ancient alien-gods, right? Typically, the waffling starts. That is just weather balloon or Russian drone…we don’t know what that is, government is lying, etc…. Hmmmm…..very interesting that when sinful flawed human authorities of various sorts declare things as FACT that we want to believe, it is true! But when those same authorities also declare it is FACT we have non-human craft in our skies, suddenly those same authorities are wrong or lying to us….. hmmmm, do I smell a rat here of intentional confirmation bias to only believe what we want to believe and support facts that support what we want to believe?
If you really believe evolution is fact and authority is right on this one, and authority also declares it fact that non-human things are in our skies, then the non-human craft in our skies can only be highly evolved ancient alien-gods prepping for open contact? Makes sense right? Why does the government take a stand on admitting there are non-human beings/craft of some type in our skies, but then refuses to also take a stand on admitting these beings in our skies MUST be highly evolved ancient alien-gods? Since government admits evolution is FACT and UFOs are FACT, then it logically follows the “aliens” in our skies can only be our long lost highly evolved ancient alien-gods “parents”. There can be no other explanation.
Hmmm…methinks the government just wants to slowly condition and prepare the world for open contact. They are slowly releasing more information and admitting to more things. Satan and his demons are in our skies prepping for open contact and are already working with the governments of the world for a controlled disclosure/unveiling. If you want to know the real story, read the website associated with/under my name.