It was so satisfying. The incident happened two weeks ago. But, I didn't do this. It was my mother who did the aggressive thing to a really mean guy, better to say a molester.
We were travelling in a bus. Buses in Kolkata are quite crowdy (Just like other metro cities), but I felt that day the bus was more crowdy that other days. We took the bus from bus stop. We had a long distance to travel. There are some buses in Kolkata where there are seperate seats for women and men. Also there are some buses where seats are not separate. We were in a bus like the latter one. Seats were arranged in 2 by 2.
Me and my mom sat together. There were two guys behind me. Bus started. May be 30 min have been passed. My mom was feeling uneasy to seat there. I asked her, if she was having any problem, she said, no , nothing. Everything was okay. Another 15 minutes. After it my mom took a look at her back to see who is seating there. And then just after five minutes, my mom turned and BANG! A heavy puch on the face of the guy seating behind us. I was literally scared and stunned. Because, I had never seen my mom behaving in that way. She is so calm,quite introvert, lovea only her work, never speaks loudly. And that lady, my MOM hit a person in a moving bus.
Later when everyone asked what happend my mom said, that guy was putting is leg through the narrow gap of the seat to touch my mom's back.
Almost like that.
Not only that, he was moving his legs, to disturb her. The guy putting his down was seating there. The conductor asked him to get off and he did silently. People were taking photos. I have too. But I will not post it here.
She arose her voice against a creep or molester or a mean,whatever you say.