I worked for a boss who was a complete bastard. This was in an ad agency in the 1990’s , a very ego-driven place, testosterone almost running down the walls. This guy really enjoyed being a bully, and after one encounter I asked him why he was such a mean shitbag. “I get better results that way” he replied, rather smugly I thought. But he was astonishingly successful and got great work out of us all because we were all bloody terrified of him.
Anyway, eventually he pissed off the other directors and when he resigned after some demand was rejected, off he flounced. He set himself up as a director of TV commercials. Directing commercials is lucrative and many ex-creative directors move into that role when their career as CD’s ends. They usually rely on their contacts and goodwill for their first directing commissions.
About six months later he storms into the Creative department, really ranting. A group of us gathered to watch the drama. “Why haven't you bastards given me any TV ads to direct? After all I did for you! Do you hate me that much?
“Yep” A voice at the back said.