Profile photo for Ashleigh Kaye

I'm lactose intolerant, but this doesn't stop me from eating things. Usually it takes very little to stop me from eating dairy. I'll continue.

One morning I got up to do my grocery shopping, and, not feeling well (I'm lactose intolerant, I ate something with dairy), I walked to Target because their public bathrooms are usually pristine at this hour. But when I got there, to the bathroom I mean, I was baffled by what was going on. There was a group of women trying on swimsuits they had already purchased and getting ready for the beach, in a Target bathroom of all places. I mean they’re in there washing and primping and preening in this public bathroom. And they were in the largest stall, all three of them, so when I meandered in with my partially full cart, I was unsure of how I'd be able to watch my groceries as I used the bathroom. After waiting for another woman to leave a reasonably sized stall, I went in, nervous. But…

“Oh my god, is someone taking a shit? Why here? Why now?!”

“Oh my god, it smells so bad!”

“I wasn't aware that it was supposed to smell like roses,” I say.

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