It was the day before Thanksgiving at our grocery warehouse and we were insanely busy. I was boxing groceries as fast as I could and trying to keep up with my cashier.
Most people were in a decent mood despite the crowds and long lines, but then an older woman pulled up in an electric cart. She was loud, angry about her wait and wanted everyone around her to know she was upset.
I was packing a large jar of sauerkraut into her cart when she noticed a black spot inside the jar. She demanded a new one immediately. Now, keep in mind that a lot of our jarred sauerkraut was discolored like that and I had been told that it was completely normal and fine to eat. I nicely explained to the lady that I would gladly get her a new jar, but they almost all had spots like that. She came unglued and yelled that someone like me may be used to eating “shit like that,” but that she was clearly used to a higher standard and to “fetch” her a new one RIGHT NOW.
I was flustered, red in the face and pretty ticked off. But I smiled sweetly, picked up the jar and walked back towards the food aisles. As soon as I was out of sight, I gave the jar a good shake so that the offending spot was no longer visible. I then carried it back and placed it with her other groceries.
She actually had the nerve to turn to the cashier and say, “Well, at least she's speedy!” I sure am, lady. Enjoy.