My wife and I both have a pet peeve of people cutting into lines, particularly if it's done without asking. In our home country of India, this phenomenon is unfortunately particularly prevelant at airports.
Standing in the security queue is a tedious exercise in itself and it is extremely annoying to watch people skip ahead and put their bags in for screening and then stroll through the security check without as much as glance at those patiently waiting in line. Expressing your objections can often lead to pointless confrontations which I don't particularly enjoy.
I finally found a good way to address this by waiting for these truants to drop their bags on the belt and move through the security check. While they are getting their pat down, I glide ahead and silently remove their bags from the belt and place it on the ground out of view. I also exchanged a knowing wink with the staff to assuage any security concerns they may have.
It was quite gratifying to watch them wait impatiently for their bags to appear on the other side while it moves smoothly for all the other passengers who had observed the proper decorum. So far fortunately, I've always been well out of sight by the time (I assume) they'd worked out what happened.