As I was walking home from work just a couple days ago (Thursday?) I crossed a street at an intersection… There’s a car coming, but it has a stop sign. The “driver” (I use that term loosely here) is completely absorbed in her cell phone.
Ordinarily I’d speed up a bit so that the driver wouldn’t have to wait long for me to cross, but in this case I slow my walk so that I won’t get run over. Instead, I am standing about an arm’s length from her door when she rolls past the stop sign, still looking at her phone. She had her window down, so when I said…
…she just about jumped out of her skin.
I just waved and smiled.
“OhmygoshIamsosorryVROOOOMMM…” she sped away.
I spent the next few minutes cursing at myself for not getting the whole thing on video. This story would be more fun if y’all could watch her flinch when she realized that she’d just about run over a pedestrian. Instead you’ll just have to trust me when I say she displayed such great shock that I’m confident that in the future she will pay more attention to the road, and no attention to her phone.