How’s that Garth Brooks song go, “Thank God for unanswered prayers”?
I had this bitch of a boss who treated me like shit every time I turned around. This boss was constantly passive aggressive with me, throwing me under the bus in front of 20–30 people at a time in huge meetings.
This boss always gave me verbal assignments that were vague, refusing to put them in writing. This gave the boss the ability to always call me out in front of higher ups whenever said boss felt like it.
Said boss made me work 110 hours per week. 7 am to 3 am. For no fu$%king reason. Boss also said I’d get fired if I ever made a single spelling mistake. Boss also kept me in meetings for at least 8 hours everyday discussing comma placement, margin width, and other mind numbing things.
Then one day I walked into the boss’s office with my three year old son and threw a napkin on the boss that read” I James Compton Quit”.
I walked out and never looked back. I immediately turned around and created a drone inspection company. I then proceeded to land high paying drone inspection contracts with ex-company. Then I created a couple more companies. It was the best worst experience I’ve ever had in my life. As crazy as it sounds, I’m thankful for that shitty boss. Without ever having that idiot as my boss, I’d still be spinning around in the corporate rat race.
So I thank God for not answering me, because at the time my prayer was to climb the “corporate ladder.