This is certainly passive aggressive but the jerk really deserved it.
As a Police officer I stopped a man who was kerb crawling around a red light district in London. I could have arrested him but we were short of officers that night and arresting him would mean next to no one on the streets to deal with more important matters.
I explained to him what I had seen him doing and that I was going to give him a verbal warning for his behavior and he should leave the area. He was a jerk saying the usual things like why wasn’t I out stopping rapist and murderers etc. After telling him that I might just have done that by taking his details he began ranting and raving. He was so close to being arrested and would certainly have been if it wasn’t for the lack of officers.
The interesting thing was the car was registered in his wife's name. When I asked if his wife knew that he was in her car looking for prostitutes (which he did not deny) he became very quiet and promised to leave the area.
Before he left I said that he would receive official confirmation of the warning through the post at his home address. He pleaded not to send it to his home address saying that he would have to intercept the letter as his wife opened all the mail and asked when it would arrive. I told him sometime in the next two weeks.
The thing was I was only giving him a verbal warning and we do not send such warnings through the post. I just imagined him for the next several weeks getting up early to check the mail for a letter than was never to be sent.
Ok, I may have been wrong but honestly, I put up so much abuse you wouldn’t believe when I was just warning him and being quiet pleasant. He was also cheating on his wife in a low class red light district with a distinct chance of catching something pretty nasty and passing it on to someone who did not deserve it.