Once in line for boarding a flight, as a frequent flyer I stood in the priority line. A burly German pushed his way in front of me and grumbled something about women should defer to businessmen whose time is more valuable.
He proceeded to put his bag down next to mine. Sticking out was his boarding pass. I put my coat down briefly over both carryons. Then a minute later picked up the coat while palming his boarding pass underneath it.
When it was time to board it turned into a circus, with Herr #@$ unable to find his pass, holding up about 50 people impatient to get on board.
He was told to step aside to let us in line board, which we did. Once on board (business class) I ordered a drink and went to the lavatory where I put his boarding pass on the table and went back
After a half hour they were closing the door to the plane when Herr #@$ stumbled on board, sweaty, red faced and angry. (Later found out he had to go back outside security to get a new boarding pass.) He too was in business class.
Prior to takeoff the FA secured the lavatory doors. Once in cruising altitude, seat belt light turned off the FA unlatched the lavatory, did a quick check inside, saw the pass, saw the seat number and delivered it to Herr. With a smile she said,
“This must be yours. Welcome aboard. What would you like to drink?”
His expression was priceless. Karma is a bitch, you know. I'm Barbara by the way.