I hadn’t met with a female friend in a while, with being busy with University. All else was put in the back seat. Anyway, we were both invited to the same wedding shower a couple hours away.
That female friend, (I’ll call her Lynn), said why don’t we ride together and pool for a shower present, we could get it at Macy’s on our way to the shower? She asked if I could drive, saying she drove so much for work and could use a break. I agreed and drove. She said she would pay half the tolls and contribute to gas. She had me pick her up at her house.
We went to Macy’s. We picked out a vacuum cleaner. I gave her half the amount. Then when she went to pay, she pulled out a BUNCH of coupons which brought the price down to half … and did not reimburse me!! So I paid for that “shared gift”. Then she tells me that she has to look at (expensive) watches for her husband (ensuring that I am fully aware of the “expensive” part - her way of bragging). His birthday is coming up. She takes seriously 30–45 minutes at the watch counter, while I mull about. I did not expect that.
Then we travel to the shower. She springs on me during the trip that she needs to dropped off at a different place (not her home) and that she has a second event she is attending that day. Total surprise to me.
We attend the shower. It is fun. They are suggesting going out to dinner after. I can’t because my “friend” has to go (and had not told me ahead of time - if I had known, I would not have driven with her!!!!). We were having a fun time at the shower. I did not want to leave. She kept approaching me and tapping her watch. I dragged my feet a little, but really just a little. I was having fun. She starts getting more emphatic. So we go.
Her “little extra stop” is 45 minutes out of the way at a shopping mall in some whole other town. I only find this out when in the car, she tells me her destination and I put it into GPS.
Here is my satisfying passive-aggressive payback:
I intentionally drove SUPER SUPER slow, as in under the speed limit on the highway and made some wrong turns.
THEN she asked if I wanted to share a ride to the upcoming wedding.
Um, NO WAY. Excuse me? What is she smoking? Not a chance in Hell.
Upon getting home, I unfriended her on facebook and finally blocked her. She sent me a LinkedIn invite, which I ignored. She had been a new friend and we were still getting to know one another. After this though, it was clear that she was no friend at all and just dumping her was the best course.
Horrible, horrible, horrible woman. She did all this sooo easily, like it was totally normal behavior and I was the weirdo. What a freaking creep.
And she paid NOTHING for gas and tolls. Lest I think she “forgot”, she told me would have to pay me back by inviting me to her beach house so I could “wiggle my toes in the sand”. She loves to brag about that stupid beach house in a dry (no alcohol sold there), quiet town.