If there’s one thing that irritates me immensely, it’s tailgating.
You know, when the car behind you wants you to make room for him (sorry guys, it usually IS a ‘him’ and sorry, German car manufacturers, it usually IS a BMW, Audi or Mercedes) so he can continue his way undisturbed by morons like you that actually follow speed limitations…
So one fine day I was driving a two-lane highway near the place where I live and as I was slowly passing a long two-trailer truck, the car behind already from a considerable distance started flashing his headlights “Here I come, get out of my way you snail, I want to keep speeding…!”. It didn’t help him it was a Mercedes…
My first reaction when this happens to me is to slow down, at least to the extent that the tailgater needs to brake at least once not to hit me, only then to slowly give way. This time, the situation of being in the process of passing the truck left more options open to really passive-aggressively annoy the pits out of the guy.
I had almost finished passing the truck when my tailgater arrived at my car so I decided to slow down to a speed only a few km/h less than the truck I was passing. As a result, I now started slowly backing towards the end of the truck, causing the guy behind me to flash his lights even more frantically and to become increasingly agitated and showing so with wild gestures behind the wheel. I seriously wondered why he was doing so, because I was obviously doing my utmost best to comply with his demand to make way for him to pass both me and the truck :-p.
Arriving at the end of the truck, I did what I usually do and slowly gave way for the now red-headed Mercedes driver going completely ballistic. As he passed me, I gave him my friendliest smile and gestured with my hand he had now all the space available to him to continue his journey. He didn’t consider me worthy of even a short look, let alone a nod of appreciation for all the work I did for him.
Ungrateful bastard…
Update: just found an even better solution