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Canada negara dengan kebijakan imigrasi yang menjebak. Negaranya sangat bergantung pada imigran untuk mengstimulasi ekonominya. Untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan di Canada, anda harus mendapatkan status PR dulu. Bisa dibeli dengan harga 895-an CAD. Anda juga harus membawa uang paling tidak 12000 CAD sebagai bukti bahwa anda memiliki uang cukup untuk survive di canada sebelum mendapatkan pekerjaan impian anda.

Setelah anda sampai di Canada, kemungkinan besar anda tidak akan mendapatkan pekerjaan, karena perusahaan Canada umumnya akan meminta kandidat dari negara lain "Canadian Experience", secara harafiah pengalaman bekerja di Canada dan menunjukkan anda memiliki "cultural fit" dengan perusahaan Canada.

Removing the "Canadian experience" barrier (brochure)
Some employers ask people applying for jobs if they have “Canadian experience.” That can make it much harder for people new to Canada to find work. Some “regulatory bodies” (such as the professional associations for accountants or doctors) also ask for Canadian experience. The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) believes that asking for Canadian experience can result in discrimination. Employers and regulatory bodies should always have to show why Canadian experience is needed. “Canadian experience” is not a good way to tell if you have the rights skills or experience to do a job. Employers should ask about all of your previous work – where you got your experience should not matter. The Ontario Human Rights Code The Human Rights Code is an Ontario law that gives you equal rights and opportunities for jobs. You have similar rights in other areas too, like housing and services. Some rules or practices may result in unequal treatment. A job ad or hiring process that blocks people who don’t have Canadian experience can hurt newcomers to Canada, even though they may have experience in another country and can do the job. Not hiring someone because of where they worked before may be discrimination based on race, ancestry, colour, place of origin or ethnic origin. What questions can be asked? Asking about Canadian experience could be a way to find out about your race, ancestry, colour, place of origin or ethnic origin. The Human Rights Code says employers must not put out a job ad, use an application form, or ask a job applicant questions to find out about what are called “prohibited grounds of discrimination” in the Code. During a job interview, employers should not ask you where you got your experience. They should consider all of your work experience, in any country. Employers should only ask specifically about “Canadian” experience if they can show it is really needed to do the job (that it is a “legitimate requirement”) and that providing “accommodation” would cause “undue hardship.” There is more about accommodation and undue hardship below. An employer must not use an employment agency to hire people based on preferences like race or colour, or use an employment agency to recruit, select, screen or hire people based on whether they have Canadian work experience. Often, there are easy ways to assess a person’s skills and abilities, even if they have not worked in Canada. Example: An employer is looking for a typist/receptionist. Even if the person was trained in another country, there are several ways to tell if they can really do the job, such as a test (a typing test, for example), letters of reference or having the person actually do the job for a short time (a “probationary period”). “Legitimate” job requirements Job requirements should be reasonable and directly related to how the job is done. The Supreme Court of Canada says an employer must show that the requirement: relates to the purpose or nature of the job was adopted honestly rather
Why "Canadian experience" violates human rights
Employers who demand Canadian work experience are discriminating against potential employees, the Ontario Human Rights Commission says. It's a new policy that research by Izumi Sakamoto , associate professor, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto, helped develop. ( Read Sakamoto's OpEd article on this topic in The Toronto Star .) The policy, unveiled by the Commission July 15, states that a strict requirement for "Canadian experience" is discriminatory, and can only be used in rare circumstances. In a statement, the OHRC said "Employers and regulatory bodies need to ask about all of a job applicant's previous work - where they got their experience does not matter. The policy also tells employers and regulatory bodies how to develop practices, policies and programs that do not result in discrimination. " UofT News asked Sakamoto to reflect on the new policy and the research that informs it. You have been studying the concept of “Canadian experience” for many years. Tell us a bit about your research. My research on skilled immigrants in Canada and their settlement experiences suggests that “Canadian experience” is one of the major barriers for immigrant employment. While I lived in the US for several years, I never heard of “American experience” as an immigrant employment barrier. Also it seemed like a terrible situation to me when, by default, immigrants who are new to Canada do not have experience in Canada, but that very experience is needed to get to the job. Since I couldn’t find what “Canadian experience” actually meant I started looking into the definition of this idea, which led to a series of research projects dating back to 2007. In my research, job-seeking immigrants thought that “Canadian experience” is a euphemism about the lack of trust on immigrants – somehow immigrants are less than Canadian-borns and needed to prove their value by assuming volunteer work or lower-skilled jobs than what their credentials deserve. In our arts-based focus group, one Indian-trained teacher created a mask to represent her feeling – to paint the half of the mask with a blue eye and blond hair, and the other half with bindi, a black eye, and black hair. She said she’d have to wear a mask (of a blue eye and blond hair) to be accepted into a job, and by extension, to the Canadian society, because without a job you don’t feel you belong. This and other stories like this are consequences of using the term, Canadian experience, as a criteria for immigrant hiring. Listening to stories after stories like this break my heart. Our research concludes that the “Canadian experience” implied by employers is often not about professional standards, but cultural ones: immigrant workers have no experience at “being Canadian,” and don’t “fit in” in the workplace. Often people used “Canadian experience” to mean “soft skills” (as opposed to “hard skills” such as education and credentials) – the abilities to work seamlessly in the given Canadian

Tapi kebanyakan, persyaratan ini digunakan untuk menolak imigran dengan alasan tidak pernah kerja di canada, jadi tidak akan cocok dengan budaya korporasi mereka atau BS BS lainnya. Akhirnya banyak imigran berpenidikan di Canada bekerja dengan upah minimum

After arriving in Canada in 2010, Nasrabadi passed three medical exams required to work in Canada and spent 18 months shadowing a Canadian doctor. He also became a Canadian citizen.

But he hadn’t secured a residency – the last step for becoming a doctor in Canada – after three years of applying to programs across the country, even though he had 16 years of experience as a doctor in Brazil.

Skilled immigrants wasting their talents in Canada
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Bagaimana dengan apply langsung ke perusahaan Canada dan minta mereka mengsponsori? Tidak mudah, karena perusahaan Canada yang mau merekerut imigran non-PR harus melakukan market labor test yang disebut LMIA. Sebagian besar perusahaan tidak mau melakukan ini karena dianggap mahal dan lama.

Teman saya cerita, bulan januari 2021 kemarin dia mendapat offer untuk kerja di Canada, perusahaan bahkan sudah akan melakukan LMIA. Tapi permintaan perusahaan tersebut ditolak oleh imigrasi Canada, karena katanya lagi pandemi, closer border. Argumen tersebut adalah BS, karena faktanya adalah Canada menerima 25K imigran pada Januari 2021.

Saya sendiri berpandangan, Canada menolak teman saya untuk datang ke Canada karena kasus dia bisa dibilang sangat langka, dan kalau terlalu banyak imigran seperti dia, bisa-bisa jualan PR Canada gak laku.

Anda hitung saja uang yang masuk ke canada. Kalau ada 25,000 imigran membayar 895 CAD untuk PR, lalu membawa uang 12000 CAD ke Canada, berapa jumlah yang didapatkan? sekitar 325,000,000 CAD. 325 juta CAD, kali 12, 3,900,000,000 = 3.9 billion CAD. jangan main main tuh. Bayangkan kalau ada semua imigran itu masuk ke Canada tanpa membawa uang tadi, menurut Anda, lebih untung mana buat pemerintah Canada?

bagi saya, skema imigrasi canada adalah scam. Mereka berharap anda migrasi seperti ini:

  • ke canada dengan membayar PR dan uang minimal 12000 CAD untuk bertahan hidup sampai mendapatkan pekerjaan impian
  • dan/atau ke Canada lalu sekolah lagi dengan biaya sekitar 60000 CAD
  • mulai lagi dari bawah, kerja gratis sampai mendapat canadian experience, misalnya seperti kerjaan ini:

Anda masih mau migrasi ke Canada dan merelakan lifetime saving disedot Canada setelah tahu imigrasi Canada adalah sebuah rigged game? saya sih ogah.

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