I would say trying to destroy my reputation once he was caught by “his girlfriend” whom I knew nothing about. He was relentless in his comments about me, all of which were lies. I was shocked and saddened. I always felt something was off. We did not live together but had an emotional (or so I thought) and physical relationship for more than a year. We spoke everyday sometimes all day. When we were together we had fun for the most part, unless I said or did something to make him angry and then WATCH OUT! I received a voicemail late one evening that was incredibly rude, mean and threatening from “her” and I heard him in the background. I called him immediately but he did not pick up. I then sent an e-mail which she responded to the next day. I finally spoke to her when I had the time. I am not into hurting people or rubbing salt in wounds. I answered her questions honestly but did not offer any information. He swore to me she was not his girlfriend, that she was delusional and he did not want to be with her because all they did was fight. He said “I don’t want her and you don’t want me” Anyway, I blocked him from phone and texts but did not know I could block e-mail. One afternoon out of the blue I received an email from him saying all kinds of really disturbing lies and very hurtful comments about how he felt about me. I felt like he was putting on a show for someone else. I shouldn’t have responded but I did. He was relentless. I did not know he had it in him. My last response was NARCISSISTIC PERSONALTY DISORDER classic case. Next step restraining order. I have not heard a peep since. I have also blocked e-mail.
The part that disturbs me is that she knows much of my personal information, where I live etc. AND apparently we work for the same company. I have no clue who she is or even her name. He lied about EVERYTHING! Things I told him in confidence he used to hurt and destroy. As far as I know, I have never met anyone like this. I have done extensive reading on the subject. My heart is still bruised yet I still want to know how or why he turned out this way.