Profile photo for Tara Dancy

We Oh boy, where do I begin. I am married to one for now. We have been together for 15 long painful years. During this time, he hurt me, emotionally, physically, verbally and mentally. IMy boyfriend was about to deploy for 6 months. After dating for a few months this man popped the question. I thought hell, we only live once. Why not? We were supposed to have gotten married 1 week before he deployed. I even took naked pics of myself to take with him. The day we were supposed to have gotten married he was nowhere to be found and would never return my calls. It was either I missed him, or he will be back soon. After the 3rd day of no response from him, I left him a message requesting the return of my stuff. He returned my call, yelling and name calling. I am about to go to war, and you are thinking about yourself. You are crazy! We are done! I will file harassment charges if you call me again. You are not going to get shit back! Then I hear a female laughing in the background. I was freaking livid! I got our commands involved. My goodness, he lied and said that he told me he will give my stuff back once he got back from deployment. This man claimed that he was focused on getting his unit ready and just didn't have time to call me. Painted me to be a crazy ex-girlfriend. Then as soon as he left, his supposed best friend called me. The guy said that his boy got pissed off with me and gave my photos to him. WTF! His boy helped fill in blanks all the lies that my husband was trying to keep hidden. Up to this day, this lying bastard claims that his friend lied on him because he would never do that. Yeah right. Then there were rumors of him picking some chick up at the airport. His boy confirmed this rumor as well. I was so pissed and wanted to gut check his ass. Hurt him like he hurt me. I slept with the best friend in his house and on his bed to remember me by. Pay back is a mutha fucka! Then I tried to move on with my life. Then out of the blue he called me and gave me the most heartfelt apology and declared the sweetest love I have ever heard. We both ended up crying. But, before he came back, I was hearing rumors about him coming back and remarrying his ex-wife to be with his 2 small kids. Heart breaking right? He came back from deployment 6 months later, remarried his ex-wife, but relentlessly pursued me. His wife found out he was cheating on her. AGAIN! She got fed up grabbed the kids and left his ass after only a month. They divorced for the 2nd time and we got married a few months after. My little secret was eating at me. I came clean with my shit a bout 6 months into the marriage and expected him to come clean with his. Nope! Shit became real. That sweet guy persona came off and his true colors came out. Every holiday was horrible, because he expected me to apologize to him. Oh yeah, he was diagnosed with PTSD/multiple mental issues and a severe alcoholic topped with crazy. He was going thru a Court Marshall but was acquitted. Even though he was found innocent he was kicked out of the military, but he was able to get a job at the VA. About 4 years into the marriage, my husband kept disappearing for a few hours every day. One day, a woman approached me at my job and wanted to see who I was. She said that she knew my husband. We briefly talked. But, before she left, she told me that she thought I was a very nice person and not some crazy bitch that he portrait me to be. WTH! Then, he started sleeping with his boss 4 years after that. We just brought a house and was in it for 6 months. This idiot screwed his boss in our new house then told me that this was pay back since I did it to him. What? I never cheated on him, but this was his story that he told countless times for sympathy. Plus, this was his step stool for all future philandering. When his boss tried to break it off with him, he filed a sexual harassment report accusing her of taking advantage of him while he was drunk. He lost that battle. In 2016, he found a chick who wanted to fight me for my husband. She assumed that she was his last stop. Boy was she wrong. I tried to warn her, but she got snared into his web of lies. He did not like me talking to her so he would create havoc between us. Telling her that I called her a bitch! This man was trying to convince the woman to come to our house and beat my ass! Crazy right? This same situation reminded me of me all those years ago. He told me that his wife at the time called me a bitch. I didn’t know if his girlfriend heeds my warnings but, she did. She started watching him and even got a hold of his cell phone and boy did she get an eyeful! She found out that he was cheating on a side piece (her) with another side piece and the wife (me)! LMFAO. I have stories about this walking sack of mess to make a movie and possibly win an Oscar. Mr. Perry, I hope you see this! To make a long story short, all this man had to do to calm my nerves back then, if he was a normal guy, was call and tell me that he loved me. To wait for him. Something. We are currently going thru a divorce and to top all this mess off, he wants me to pay him alimony, spousal support, and half of everything I have. To include to take half of his debt. He has this grandiose idea of thinking he is rich and need me to help support him to continue to wine and dine the ladies. This is just a fraction of my 15-year nightmare. I was no saint before we got married, but damn this guy made me look like and angel. This guy cheated on me with over 70 women and I still stayed. Don’t judge me or feel sorry for me. I was hoping that I can help him and get the man I fell in love with back. No such luck! The struggle is real folks, being married to a narcissist/sociopath is no joke. Run and don’t look back! I’m currently being treat for PTSD dealing with him.

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