Offff man, picking one thing is very hard.
the day he said be wanted a divorce he was playing xbox with his friends and had his headset on. He did not mute it or stop playing but proceeded told me he didn’t want to be with me because the marriage made him depressed and he did not know who he was if he was with me. He told me it was my fault that the only thing he wanted to do othet than drink and play video games but being with me he felt trapped and didn’t know who he was. He told me i should feel lucky because he was gonna let me have the house and live in a nice space while he went to a “dirty room”. And then he pushed “our” dog off the couch and told me to “take my dog away from him” . I started crying and he told me to get the fuck out of his face and go cry somewhere else because he was trying to play with his friends and i was bothering him. 4 hours before all this he told me he loved me and i was the best thing that had every happened to him. Things like that can really destroy you. Stay away don’t wait for them to kill a part of you. Because they will.