I hope my friends won't mind me sharing the story of their engagement, but it's too good not to share and I think it's amazing.
My friends met during college and started dating. They were (and are) one of those couples that you always just thought of as being so perfect for each other, and I always expected them to get married. Both of them were in our university Chamber Singers, as was I. That year there was a particularly beautiful song on our tour program called Amor de mi Alma ("Love of my Soul") [1].
In January, shortly before their two year anniversary of dating, my (male) friend sent am email to the rest of the choir asking for our help. He wanted us to sing Amor de mi Alma at a particular time and place but didn't initially say why. He later revealed that yes, he intended to propose to his girlfriend and none of us could say anything.
Of course, telling 40 people to keep a secret is like trying to hold water in your hands. Word got out, but somehow it never reached her. Everyone who heard was incredibly excited, and the date and time leaked around even to those who were not involved.
On that night, the Chamber Singers headed to the top floor of our university commons. There's a bridge in the atrium area that looks down on the lobby, but is high enough that you don't really see it when you walk in. We stood there. The onlookers filled into the balcony levels below, and hid below the railings, unseen.
He brought his girlfriend to the Commons after dinner celebrating their anniversary. On the floor of the lobby was her anniversary present - a wood-burned Scrabble board he had built himself. He took out the tiles and spelled out "will you marry me?" And as he got down on one knee, we started singing from the balcony.
And then the onlookers came out of hiding, and there was much cheering and joyful sobbing. Because obviously, she said yes.
Don't believe me? See for yourself.
The wedding is nearly upon us now and I couldn't be happier for my friends.
[1] For a recording of us singing that doesn't involve a lot of happy tears on the part of the girls, check out Page on Wlu.