Carpet steam cleaning is a renowned method that is used widely by professionals to transform the condition of a filthy carpet. This carpet cleaning service is preferred for both domestic and commercial cleaning. In this process, special steam cleaners are used. This equipment has a boiler that is responsible to change water into steam. The heat of steam is sufficient enough to destroy all the germs and pull out the stain and dirt particles from the carpet. Dirty water is collected back through vacuuming and makes the process look smooth and clean. A component of steam cleaner also contains a cleaning agent that adds to the cleaning efficiency.
Benefits of carpet steam cleaning:
It disinfects and sanitises the carpet
All the germs, dust mites, mould and allergens can be destroyed with steam. High temperature facilitates the removal of disease-causing germs. This prevents the spread of diseases among family members and helps them to breathe in uncontaminated air.
Steam dissolves the stain particles
The stains that have become dried and old after sticking to the fibres can be rooted out with help of carpet steam cleaning. Heat damages the bond between stains and fibres and the carpet looks spotless.
Carpet dries in less time
Over-wetting is an issue that is often faced due to various methods such as hot water extraction and carpet shampooing. Steam cleaning process does not involve direct use of water. The vapours do not make the carpet wet and facilitate quick drying.
Removes pet stains and odour
If you are always worried about the peculiar odour of urine and vomit of your pets, then it is better to trust carpet steam cleaning over DIY hacks.