The detection or analysis of financial fraud is a procedure that an organisation implements. These services are mainly used by banks, medical services, cybersecurity, insurance, government, public sectors, and law enforcement. They formulate them into action for fraud detection.
Pelorus partners provide products with some flexible analysis. They are as follows:
- Nuix Workstation:
Nuix Workstation is an influential process that rolls almost 1,000 file source and format categories to a piece of vital information. They capture the content, context, and metadata of each and every element. Nuix Workstation is used for information governance, litigation, forensic investigations, government mergers, compliance, data and email migrations, and regulatory enforcement. It is used as a financial fraud analysis tool.
- Forensic Explorer (FEX):
It is adequate for new or experienced researchers. It is easily adjustable and flexible to use. The forensic explorer incorporates GUI with filter, data recovery, advanced sort, keyword search, and also provides script technology. It promotes large volumes of data in a short time. It deals with automated complex investigation tasks, automates comprehensive reports, and boosts productivity for a better outcome.
- Cellebrite Digital Collector:
Cellebrite Digital Collector is a significant forensic imaging software solution. It accomplishes live data and targeted data for Windows and Mac computers. They deal with the live and dead box imaging for Windows and Mac. Cellebrite Digital Collector is a very powerful tool that is helpful in digital forensic.
- Triage-Investigator:
Triage-Investigator is an intelligent forensic triage tool. It is manufactured for field development with Digital Evidence Investigator. It promotes a rapid track record, easy admission to court and dependable evidence to process cases. It also assists the forensic lab with the quick collection, reporting, analysis, and managing of digital backlogs. They are helpful for fraud analytics in banking.
Contact Us:
Get these analysis tools today and request a demo from Pelorus partners, they provide the best digital forensic solution products that help in the analysis and data detection for windows and MAC. Ask for a demo today!