God. I unno.. I’m seeing drama left, and right. an so I don’t really know where to begin, and who to use as an example. That’s part of the reason why.. I’ve been single for so long.. because “ Angela” gets dragged into the drama, and I don’t know what to say. I’m caught in the middle. Some people are fighters, and the aggressive type.
I’m silent, and I just obey, and do as it say’s.. which isn’t good.. but i hate it, but I usually get stuck in between some love issue, and problem
Example: One of my best friend was going through a divorce, and her ex husband wanted revenge on her, and he cheated on her. His.. new lover.. that he was messing around with, and cheating on my friend.. was blocking her in the drive way, and the cops had to come, and all drama went on.
There’s a time where my sister was going through her first divorce, and I had to hold the divorce papers, and play.. messenger going back, and forth and I hated it from car to car.
I told my sister I don’t want to, and she made me do it. There’s issue with car payments, and other things, and getting revenge, and spite on each other. There’s a time. where my sister.. on her second divorce.. took so much “ Money” out of her ex husbands back account, and went on a shopping spree, and she said.. “ good, and I don’t care”. All you care about is money, and being financially free”. I never see you, and you never spend enough time with me.. except deploying, and running off some place. She called him cheap, and took his money, and got laser vein treatment done on her legs, and got a breast augumentation done on her bc she ended up flat chest after having the baby of his. She went and got some what a tummy tuck done, and.. then she got.. her arms laser some what, and that didn’t work because she was suppose to shave it first. She got revenge.. by blowing his money away,and making him broke.
But that’s what I’ve seen so far.. with taking revenge on it’s ex. I’m not like that, and well me and my sister aren’t alike.