My revenge is against Comcast. It’s always been a love-hate relationship. They raise your rates every moment they can, you have to reboot all the time. When you ask for a reasonable reduction in your bill, they hardly will give an inch. My cable bill was in my husbands name. Things happen in life, and you never expect it will be you. Jeffrey was killed in a work related accident. I needed to put the bills in my name.
Comcast said, we can’t do that, it could be fraud and that Jeffery would have to come in with me. I explained that he was dead, no longer paying bills or writing checks. I was paying the Comcast bill. Comcast told me I would have to bring papers in to prove he was dead and I was in charge of that address. Then they asked me to pay that months bill.
I had a month to decide what to do. I have a wicked streak in me that I think is humorous, but others have not found me funny. I planned my next trip to Comcast, which is about a mile away. I picked up Jeffreys ashes from the funeral home. He was in a box in a shopping bag with the crematory name in fancy letters. We walked into Comcast and took a service number from the machine and we sat down and waited for our turn. When our number was called we went to the counter to talk with the Comcast clerk. I set Jeffreys bag on the counter and when the young lady asked how could she help me, I replied,
“This is Jeffery, (pointing to bag) He is dead. He can’t write checks anymore. He’s dead. I need to pay my Comcast bill, but the account isn’t in my name.”
I was watching my clerks face, her mouth made a perfect round O shape, she was speechless and studdering, ““Yes mam, yes mam. I need to get the manager.” All the color had drained out of her and she looked grayish. I watched as she waved her hands in the air while talking to a man in the back. After a few minutes he came out to my counter and said, ““I’m going to get this all straightened out for you.” He did and after typing on the computer for 5 minutes he said, ““It’s in your name now.”
I thanked him, picked Jeffrey up off the counter and walked out. I got to my car and was laughing so hard I couldn’t drive. We went home. I told Jeff that I finally had gotten back at Comcast.
As a side note, I switched to ATT shortly after that because my bill went up. I told my ATT installer the story. He laughed and told me he couldn’t wait to tell his boss, best customer story he ever heard.