I would rarely do an act of revenge, so this tale is actually more about “Karma” on someone else that was most enjoyable.
Two friends and I were in a large northern city to attend a concert by a singer we all loved. Dee drove us up there in her car, which was absolutely plastered with photos of the singer, and she constantly reminded the other woman and me that she was his Greatest Fan. We were at a fast-food place when a couple of women came up to us, soliciting. They had a can with a label on it and gave us their spiel. I might be just a little gal from Down South, but I know panhandlers when I see them. I just shook my head “No” as Dee and the other woman gave them money.
As soon as they walked away, Dee began lecturing me for my cold heart. I was callous, cynical, and just plain wrong. She must have gone on at me for 10 minutes. Finally I said, “Look, this is a big city, and panhandlers are everywhere. I know what they were doing, if you don’t.” She was so mad, but since we had to leave, she let it drop.
Two blocks away, she stopped at a red light, and this scruffy man runs up to her car. “Wash your windows, lady! Just a dollar!” and without her OK, he starts slopping water from a bucket onto her car and wiping madly away with a rag!
“No! NOOOO! Stop touching my car! You’ll ruin my pictures!” Dee shrieked, and she threw the car into park and jumped out into the street, still yelling as the man ran away.
I’m in the back seat biting my fist to keep from roaring out loud. Oh, sweet Karma!