Oh yes, indeed.
My first husband would faint at the sight of blood. When our first child was born, he fainted during the delivery and the nurses were forced to attend to him rather than my new born son and me. One time he cut his finger. It was barely the tiniest nick, but he swooned and fully fainted, hitting his head.
The first husband is also a rare blood group, AB Positive. As an O Positive, I had been a blood donor for nearly 40 years.
After our messy and protracted divorce, because he endlessly complained that he could not pay child support from his six figure income, I found the sweetest revenge ever.
The Blood Bank of Australia was pleading for new donors so I registered him c:
Being such a rare blood group, the Blood Bank phoned him every couple of weeks, urgently needing his blood to save a life. He could not say no without looking like a total arse wipe.
Revenge is a dish best served cold. With all the grief, heart ache and mental torture he put me through, this was so sweet an end to it.