This is not what I would call savage, but there is savagery in the heart of the woman that did this. A man got divorced, I knew of him but was not really a friend but a distant acquaintance. She got everything. The money and property she was rewarded was small compared to her getting sole custody of his two young children. Men do care about their kids as much as women do and this man was intensely interested and loving of his children.
She could not let that hurt be the final pain though. She got custody of his dog. This dog was a dog he raised from a 7 week old pup into a well disciplined, enthusiastic companion. The pup bonded with him. When he went out for long periods of time like on an over night trip, the dog would quietly sit voluntarily in its cage and whimper until he returned. She took this dog away from him. A dog she could car less about and often complained to him about the dog shedding or being smelly after a romp in the woods.
This vindictiveness is not deserved. It does not matter what the man did. This is savage. The final state of this man was sad. He was broke, alone, and torn up emotionally because, he lost his beautiful wife, his lovely young kids, his dog, his house and his car. A lot more was involved that was taken from him than that though. How bad a man must you be to have this happen to you?