When I was in college, my narc g/f was cheating on me and became pregnant by the other guy. She told me what happened. I told her that she needed to work it out with the other guy and broke up with her.
A week later, I was studying for the LSAT exam in the Library and I saw an incredibly attractive and exotic young woman. She looked just like a swimsuit model that I’d seen in a national advertising campaign. That’s because she was her. I said to myself, “Dude, go up to her. The worst that could happen is that she’ll blow you off.” Instead, I got digits from one of the nicest women that I’ve ever met.
She wanted go to the SF Opera that weekend. I offered reservations for dinner at a four star restaurant just for fun.
That night, I dressed in a suit that my ex g/f really liked. The phone rang. I answered. It was my ex g/f, the narc. She asked me how was it going. I said that I had to leave in a minute and that I was dressed in my suit and heading to SF.
She was upset and said that she’d just had an abortion that afternoon and that the father (who was also her boss) had taken her to the clinic, paid for it, and then broke up with her and fired her. She then begged me to come over to her home immediately because she was cracking up.
I told her that this was awful in a rather condescending and cocky way. I then told her that I had met someone else, that she was a model, and that she was my date that night at the SF Opera. I told her how she could find pics of my newfound friend’s latest modeling shoot.
The other phone started to ring. I put my ex g/f on hold. My date was calling me. She gushed on about how excited she was about that evening and asked me to come pick her up asap. I told her that I’d be right over and went back to the other phone. I told my ex that my date had called and that I had to leave immediately. My ex started to cry. I said goodbye and ended the call and proceeded on to one of the best evenings of my life.
This is all true.
You don’t need to do anything to get revenge on narcs. Most of the time, they do it all for you.