My best friend in high school was a genius, He was the type of person when wronged, would get even. At the start of the school year, one of the jocks took it upon himself to pick on my friend. We knew this would not end well.
As we all rode home together, we were somewhat upset when our friend would be late to the car. What we did not know was he was studying his foe’s movements. Observation went on for weeks.
Turns out the jock was on the school dive team. He would practice and then go into the shower. He would undress and go into the first shower.
One day, our friend told us he would be late. He went into the locker room. Unscrewed the first shower head, and filled it with gentian violet dye powder. These were the kind of showers that did not have hot or cold, just on and off with a set temperature.
The unsuspecting victim comes in, undresses, heads into the shower, turns on the water and is drenched with purple die that stains his skin. He was purple for quite some time.