Profile photo for Anonymous

The revenge was so sweet that I am still licking my fingers in satisfaction.

I have a friend who is narcissist of the highest order. Friend only because his family and my family are close but that does not take away from the fact that he is a complete "bore"

Not only does he sing praises of himself & puts off people with his braggadary, he will also want to convince you what a terrible jackass you are compared to him. Now that is not something which anybody with even a slightest of self-esteem will agree to. He repels people quite well and I have not seen anyone talking good things about him behind his back.

He is so self-absorbed most of the times that he can't even detect the undercurrent of sarcasm in others voices even if it is on-the-face. All his activities stinks of great personal vanity.

  • He would spend countless hours bragging about his petty deeds to all & sundry who happen to be the unfortunate catch of the day. Most of it is too petty ordinary stuff like bragging before his boss, firing his subordinates etc. and he will want to make it believe that is no less than "legendary".
  • He will then brag about it again when he meets them personally completely oblivious to the fact that he had repeated the same thing 12 times at least.
  • On one occassion, he came into my house when I was logged in to facebook and was casually looking around. He grabbed the mouse and I just gave way just to see what he will mess with. He did not logout of my account and gone to his profile & "Liked" all his crap on his timeline through my account himself. Commented "Awesome" in some of his cheap photos. I began to suspect whether the other likes and comments were not genuine either and was either begged for, borrowed or stolen.
  • When I told him about this online store neotonn which I read about in Whatsapp message. He spent the entire day on that "Quick Suggestions" option in it which takes in physical features to suggest suitable shirts automatically. Narcissist of the highest order.
  • I have been using Quora for quite a while now and am a Top Writer on several subjects related to Politics. He comes one fine day and started bragging that he knew a site called "Quora" and that is where "cool" people hang out. He claimed that all are not eligible (implication was that lesser mortals like me who don't have knowledge are not eligible)
  • But when he sat on my computer to pay his telephone bill online bragging about his huge telephone bill, I could not take it anymore. I decided to teach him a lesson.

That is why when I got an opportunity when he was logged in to his FB account and was talking with my Mom;

I changed all his "Privacy settings" in Facebook account to ensure that nobody (or as few) can see his posts, pics and all those crap. I changed every thing in split seconds in a desperate way.

He met last week and he seemed depressed but hid it true to his narcisstic ways complaining about how people just don't care about anyone and that people needed to be very broadminded (like him).

My Sweet Revenge.

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