I played a long game of revenge with this one teacher back when I was a freshman in HS. I don’t remember why, but this one teacher I had pissed me off. It probably had to do with him being very authoritarian and I’ve always been anti-establishment, so when someone enforces rules I think are ridiculous, I tend to act. This teacher was also notorious for being obsessive over his office supplies and not lending kids pens/pencils when they forgot theirs because he ‘knew’ they’d take them and not return them (to be fair, 14 year olds do that a lot, but I digress).
So, I took a pen from his desk when he wasn’t looking.
And the next day, I took another.
It developed from there and I ended up taking all different manner of supplies from him over about a month. It drove him absolutely insane once it got to a noticeable amount of stuff because he couldn’t figure out who was doing it for the life of him. (I was a straight-A student who answered all the questions right in class and had no negative notes on my record…because I was too smart to get caught lol).
He actually ended up being one of my all-time favorite teachers I’ve ever had. I don’t remember if I gave him his stuff back, but I think I reverse stole them back onto his desk when he wasn’t looking.