Scene: Office Cafeteria
Players: Me, my team-mates and some perpetual idiots that pepper the scene.
I had just picked up my lunch tray and walked over to an empty table and claimed it for me and my team-mates, placing my lunch tray on it and waiting for the rest of the folks to saunter in.
As they came, there was the usual bustle over who sits where and the like.
The table behind me was full of employees, and there walked in one of the aforementioned idiots, who was apparently known to the people on that table.
Since it was full and there were no more chairs available on that table, the idiot in question smoothly walked up behind me, pulled the chair I was going to sit on, and placed it beside his friend and placed his ample behind on it, leaving me goggle-eyed and wondering at what the bloody heck just happened.
Every one at my table was by now slack-jawed and equally amazed at the scene, and started out with those quick gasps and interjections usually expected at such idiocy.
I meanwhile, walked up to the person, tapped him on the back and asked him, “Bro, just one minute, could you get up?”. He got up, not knowing what to expect. 5″4′ short, fat guys usually don’t walk up to hulking 6″ tall guys with murder on their minds, and a smile on their face.
I just as smoothly pulled the chair from behind him, placed it back where I was sitting and sat down, giving him a sweet smile and a “Thank you!” for good measure.
Apparently, there was much gnashing of teeth, and creasing of brows, but I was blissfully unaware. The claps of my team-mates and the loud jeering laughs directed at the table behind me drowned out any other thought…
Admittedly, one of my brighter days, when the revenge was sweet, delicious and served with a dollop of cream…