Profile photo for Mary Topolski

Alas, I have to respond with a story I was just present for. “ Lucy”was a lovely, smart, hilarious girl in highschool. She also at 5′8 weighed about 250 lbs.But though there was some teasing and “nicknaming”, she never let it keep her home! The beach? No problem!!

So, we all know where this is going: Lucy got into her 20s and she lost all of the extra weight. As I mentioned before, she was a very attractive woman with beautiful green eyes, wavy strawberry blonde hair,great skin and an incredible smile. What I witnessed I will never forget.

We had gone out to a club one night. Lucy had developed a real passion for dancing,especially with her newfound figure. It gave her so much stamina, and there was almost no getting her off the dance floor! A handsome young man, (one of many that night)approached and asked her if she'd like to dance. She said to him: “ You don't remember me do you?” He looked completely puzzled. “You know, ‘Lucy Smith'? OR does the nickname you gave me in high school ring a bell? You know, Whale Tail?” He was mortified. Then, in her most charming Southern Belle accent: “ No I will not dance with you tonight; I will not dance with you ever.” He,red-faced and wishing for death it appeared, practically whispered “Well, I guess it's my own fault, I missed my chance.” To which Lucy responded, smile still in place:“Oh, it's ok,I would've said no back then too!”

And that, ladies and gentleman is the way you get “sweet” revenge. They say that revenge is a dish best served cold. But sometimes, I think it's best served warm, with confidence and a sweet smile!! That was 28 years ago, by the way and “ Lucy”? Well, she's still just killin’ it!

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