I had a lobotomy in 1962. It was never explained to me or discussed with me by who did it (why it was done) but, it was probably hate between my divorcing parents. All my life I was terribly disappointed to be the slowest [it took me 20 years to graduate from High School] and haven’t received my Diploma from the University yet. I started attending classes at the University in the 1960’s and educators feel there isn’t any reason to have a BS Degree now.
I was Lobotomized while I was in the company of my Mother and her Sister. We were travelling from New York City to Salt Lake City and my Mother did say something about giving me a, “butterfly” operation. A doctor Harold Valery in Long Beach, that studied at NYU, told me it was entirely possible that I did receive a Lobotomy. He said it was common to do in New York back then and it seems to me that my Father’s attitude was that he didn’t want children getting in his way.
My doctor said he can’t see a normally associated scar and my parents divorced in 1967. I’m still alive but am less than normal energetic and had to do minimum wage work and I have to collect Disability. I really think my life was ruined deliberately and am frequently told I look or behave Castrated {I haven’t had a date or experience of any kind with a girl in 40 years and have no children}. In 1984, a doctor gave me Ritalin and told me to depend on it for Perpetuity. On Wikipedia I read this was the drug normally prescribed to victims of Lobotomy.
The doctor said I was Atypical and that most people he treats are high on what he prescribes to them to cure their insanity. The Police acknowledged they were told it was fun and games for patients to recreate at the Hospital. Similarly, the Psychology Teacher at the Health College said drug treatments were humane and normal. But, just before he died I asked my Father why he was so cruel and he said a the Arthur Traub assured him Anti-Psychotic Drug Treatments were very pleasant. The patients aren’t allowed even to touch each other in some facilities and I suffered for a long time from sleep deprivation. A Doctor told me they are so cruel because they ‘re in a small place and the patients won’t stop freaking out, making noise, etc.
I’m a rare AB+ blood type and I found that treatments for insanity are extremely painful behavior control that feel like electric shocks and violence. It’s hard to tell one patient from another and I’ve experienced how crazy people are unpleasant company and won’t bathe or wash anything. Sanitize & Sanitarium have the same root and I wonder that the people that lobotomized me were trying to clean up a filthy baby mess unsuccessfully.
I remember vividly bleeding all over the place on an operating table in Michigan. When we left New York, they said we would be leaving early in the morning was all. It took twenty or more years to even recall the surgery associated with that drive. My Mother could have impulsively stopped at the seedy clinic because she was an embarrassed, terrible driver and I’m never going to get one word out of her about any more details. I read that the doctor that invented Lobotomy was killed by the patient he Lobotomized.