“I keyed a car today”, she proclaimed proudly.
I was participating in a drive for helping underprivileged kids and the middle aged lady who had indulged in the shameful act of damaging someone’s car was a co-participant.
She bragged that she had taught a lesson to the car owner who had parked his/her car in her spot. Her spot meant the place where she liked to park. Since that place was taken up, she had to park a little away and walk up to the venue. So she vented out her anger and scratched the car.
Some didn’t bother, some laughed and some “bleeding hearts” (that’s what she called us) told her that she was wrong. She scoffed and told us to back off.
When the event got over and we decided to disperse, this lady went ahead to get her car. And she was greeted by a shocking sight! The car’s passenger side mirror was broken and there was a big gash on the door. Upon enquiring, she was told that a water tanker had brushed against her vehicle and damaged it.
When she got her car to where we stood talking and narrated her ordeal in anger and frustration, I wanted to feel sorry for her situation. But I couldn’t muster sympathy. She had damaged someone’s vehicle just a little while earlier and her action had been simply been repaid with interest.
I witnessed Karma strike back. While the person whose car was damaged intentionally might not know it, but justice was served.
And hopefully a lesson was learnt.