To answer in a word: NO
A lot of people prescribe to the thought that once they pass a certain age they are too late to learn music. Music is a skill that is one of the most accessible out there and is not restricted to any physical capability of an individual. Unlike sport where one needs to be in good physical shape, what music needs is an individual with a love and passion for learning an art. An athlete may lose their physical prowess when they hit the age of 40 but to a musician, the age of 40 is sometimes when they start to hit their stride.
There are countless examples out there of musicians hitting post their 40’s and still being at a really successful level. Slash, one of the greatest guitarists of all time, is 56 years old today!
Talking about drums, Travis Barker; one of the best punk drummers of all time is 46 today and probably at the peak of his powers today. Taylor Hawkings from the Foo Fighters(49), Questlove from the roots(51) are just a few of the many who are still at their absolute best today. I myself started learning the drums when I was 23 through online drum classes and speaking through personal experience, there have been no regrets about this decision.
Playing an instrument is possible as far as there is a passion and desire still running through your veins for it. 22 is an age where many people are unsure of what they want to do in life. If any age is too late to learn the drums, it's not 22, not close; that's for certain.
So follow your passion and don't let such questions pull you back from achieving something that will bring you joy for the rest of your life. Good drums class online like the one at Furtados School of Music can be just the right thing for you to get your journey started. Happy Learning!