I had this cat named Tofu that didn’t come home after being let outside to play. I stayed awake all night worrying about her.
Come morning there was still no sign of her. I had another cat named Fifi that wanted to go outside and play per usual but before I let her go outside I picked her up and held her face up to mine and I made eye contact with her and I asked her to go and find Tofu. I told her to go find her and bring her home. I then gave her a small kiss on the nose and I opened the back door for her and let her go play. About 20 minutes later my mom called out to me and said “Eva, I think your cats are at the back door and they want to come inside”. And yes, Fifi and Tofu were both sitting on the steps outside my back door.
P.s. I don’t allow any of my cats outside anymore. Tofu ended up being hit by a car later that year. I still have Fifi along with two other cats, Beijing and Toshiba.