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If you want to know what the best online programs for teaching young children (K-5) Mandarin Chinese is then I’ve got you covered.

Since it is highly recommended that you make learning fun so your child associates Chinese with something positive, I suggest you use online programs that have lessons that are tailored to teaching children through fun and engaging methods such as through songs and cartoons.

I have searched far and wide for classes online that would cater to my son’s learning needs. Most young children need something more stimulating than what the majority of online schools are offering currently so I’m blessed to have been offered a trial lesson and went for it.

You should also be able to either request or find the option for a free lesson as well with eChineseLearning .com

Watching Mandarin movies and cartoons with pinyin and English subtitles is a great method for your child to learn the language. This is a wonderful method to help kids to not only be introduced to the language but to expand and improve any of their existing Mandarin abilities. My son’s teachers offer a variety of Chinese movies so we can select his favorites and watch them in Chinese after class.

What I like about eChineseLearning is that they have games, worksheets, songs, and are all especially experienced.

Plus, for on-the-go learning, there are 2 apps that you can use to get your child exposed to more Chinese. There are 1–1 online classes as well as a kids’ fun learning app they can play by themselves.

With online classes, your child can learn Mandarin at home with the world's best Chinese language teachers, in my opinion.

The other programs that I like to use are YouTube video playlists. They include cartoons, songs, and vocabulary-specific videos.

I’m glad we are teaching our children together and can learn from one another’s experiences and resources.

Please mention other resources, tips, life hacks, or advice that you have found to be effective while teaching your own children Chinese. I’d love to hear.

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