Well… It wasn't exactly planned and it may not be as savage as some of the other answers but here goes.
My husband and I grew up in the same neighborhood/community. We went to the same schools (albeit with a couple years difference) and kind had the same mutual friends as our parents went to the same church and all that.
In our teens things got a bit crazy and I went the goody two shoes way and he went the rebel/oppressed way. He wasn't nice to his classmates and had problems with pretty much everyone in every school he ever went to but that's a story for another day.
At 14 I had this huge crush on this cute guy from school that lasted for about 3 years. We ended up kissing twice but once he found out I had this big crush on him he became very mean to me, said some very hurtful things to me, dated my best friend and some other friends of mine.
Anyway around 17 yo I finally got over it and about that time my now husband and I started dating. He had gotten over his rebel ways and was always very sweet, sometimes he'd call me and play his guitar to me until I slept, always said I was pretty (despite me having horrible issues with my self image) and was a pretty good friend.
One day after we had been dating for a long time (we got married I was 19) I was in the bus coming back home when the old crush walked in and sat next to me. First thing he asked me was if I was dating anyone. That was always the first thing he'd ask me whenever he saw me at random places.
I said yes. In fact just got engaged.
To whom? He asked.
Kel. I said.
He then told me how much of a fool I was to marry such a stupid guy. I probably was marrying him because I couldn't get anyone better. He said the best thing I'd ever been able to catch was a cold. Lol.
Anyway. Turns out my husband had whooped his ass back in the day for some teenage beef. He wasn't able to get over it and hated my husband ever since.
Me finding the love of my life was the best revenge I got against my “ex”. The fact that my now husband had kicked his ass back in the day was just the cherry on top.
This is us. 12 years and 1/half kids later. ;D
Thanks for the A2A Sean. =D