I have many incredible stories from my years as a proud cat owner. My rescues are part of my volumes of tales:
A stray male ( George) would come into the back yard every morning to eat, he was big and mean and the King of the neighborhood.
Because of how I am, it’s not enough to just feed them. I have to befriend to get close , to love and care for them. (Hug and squeeze em)
So it took over a year of hard work to finally break through his wall. A touch here and there to short spurts of scratching behind the ears. Eventually come up to greet me and when needed, treat his battle wounds.
One day , my very special calico ( patchy) who was a 90 % inside cat. George had a very strong attachment to her as well…. ( he male she female hmmm) lol- anyway, she went missing. And I was freaking out. Called out to her the whole day. George stayed in the yard as well by my side as I called out to her. Night came and I feared the worst. I stayed up all night hoping to find her and scarring away any coyotes that ran the neighborhood nightly. Two days then three. I began to lose hope. George oddly hung out the entire time. And then it rained , hard. I was heartbroken . I thought I lost my baby girl who just barely a year old. After the ran I decided to try again. I looked at George with a desperate plea , “ George, where is she go find her George. Go bring her home.”
Later that day I stared out the window for hours. Fed my cats and went to bed. That next morning at breakfast I noticed no George. And thought oh no! Something got him and patchy too. Filled with panic and fear, I paced outside calling out to both. I am certain my neighbors deemed me ‘ the crazy cat lady by now’. My boyfriend at the time was in the kitchen when I came back in the house. His expression was as if to say I was wasting my time. But I refused to give in to his feelings and stubbornly stared out the window into the backyard and watch the rain begin to fall , again!
Then, I saw a cat in very back of the yard on the brick wall the yard was large . Narrow but deep in length.
I realize it Was George. Soaked and covered with mud, he was making his way across the wall but stopped and kept looking behind him. Stopping and sitting to look behind him. Then there she was. It was “ patchy”… my beautiful calico kitty was barely recognizable. All gray skinny, flattened out ears , slowly walking low to the surface of the brick wall.
I screamed out, ” patchy?”
She heard me and her head rose turned toward the house and flew to the back door with her paws barely touching the ground as she ran. George slowly followed. He looked tired . His front paw was injured and bleeding, wet and dried mud coated his fur. I swung open the back door and into my arms she jumped . I immediately smelled a stench from that was indescribable. I wrapped her up and placed her food and water and patchy by the heater and went to tend to George immediately. In my heart I knew what he did. In my head I thought to myself that it was impossible . Did he go find her? Did he rescue her? Was he truly on that wall calling to her guiding her home? Impossible right? Right?!!
One of his claws had been torn away and the others were raw and oozing. Cold and starving I coached him to the back porch on a heated towel warm milk and left over roast from the night before with warm gravy on a plate just for him, he accepted my invitation to stay and enjoy love and comfort, safety and acceptance, more then likely. for the first time in his life. After I got George situated and went to patchy and did the same . Her condition just as awful. After hours of bathing and mending. Patchy slept and slept and slept.
George was quite ready to allow me to bath him but he did allow me to assess his injuries. My best guess while apply antibiotic ointment to his scratches , cuts and torn claw , I found slivers of wood. He dug her out from somewhere or got trapped with her and dug them out together. He found her he saved her and her brought her home. That I’m certain of.
Why would he get up on the wall move forward about a foot and stop , sit down and look behind him . And meow. I saw his mouth to know he meowed. And repeat to the center of wall, in the rain, until patchy appears on the wall obviously following his prompts to follow him.?
Everyone says wishful thinking and my love for animals will turn coincidences into miracles in my head. But his behavior following her to the porch both in the same condition and allowing me to help him was his way to say ( maybe ) there I did what you asked - I brought her home….???….
George and I after that day became very close. Even once in a while stroll into the house and lay on kitchen floor for a few moments. As if to say hi, how ya doin? He knew I knew! I loved him and even more deeply after that day and he knew that too, I told him so every day!