In the Summer of 1976 I was thirteen years old as were my two best friends. One of my friends lived next door to a very very handsome and arrogant sixteen year old boy. He had a built in pool in his backyard. There was a fence that separated his backyard and my friend's patio.
My friend's Dad restored old vehicles. He'd had a few thefts so he added a big motion sensor light on the patio. Cute neighbor boy’s Dad didn't like that. He claimed that it brought bugs to his pool area, even though the light only came on if someone was on the patio.
We used to swim in his pool along with his two good looking friends. My still best friend remembers me getting a lot of attention from all the boys. She claims that they'd put me on their shoulders and just generally hang around me. She remembers that the pool owner boy teased her about her stretch marks and the other two boys ignored her. I don't remember it being that way but she swears it was because I ALWAYS got the attention of boys and she didn't. I doubt this claim.
Anyway, one day after school we were under the patio at my best friend's house and she was teling us about an argument that her Dad had with neighbor man about the damn light sensor. She said that cute boy called her fat and said that she couldn't swim at his house anymore.
Now…. How we got the courage to do this I'll never know. We were good girls who always followed the rules. But we just were so angry that we went into the kitchen and grabbed eggs, Vienna sausages and pasta and tossed it into his backyard and pool. We threw a lot of it back there. No one was home so we took our time to try to aim for the best spots for our food to land.
After we did that I was immediately scared and regretful . No one came knocking on my door so I relaxed but still felt guilt. A few days after our acts of vandalism the boy stuck his head over the fence and asked us if we'd seen anybody messing around his yard. We, of course, lied and said that we hadn't. He told us about finding eggs and Vienna sausages and pasta all over the yard and in the pool. He got in trouble with his parents and had to clean it up. We then justified our vandalism as retribution for his meanness to our friend. He never knew that we were the culprits.