I was a freshman in college. Shortly after Christmas break, I met a nice guy, also a freshman, & we started going together. A girl in my dorm had recently broken up with him, but he seemed to be over it. He'd bought her a pair of diamond earrings for Christmas, but she didn't get them as she'd broken up with him before he had a chance to give them to her. Naturally, I was hoping I'd get them for Valentine's Day. Shortly before the day, the ex finds out about the earrings & sweet talks him into taking her back. He spent a small fortune on their Valentine's Day night out as well as gave her the diamond earrings. The very next day, she broke up with him, & Dan came back to me, his tail between his legs, & being young & “stupid”, I took him back.
Fast forward to summer vacation. It's July, & the ex's birthday is a week away. So I grabbed my best friend & a shoebox well-lined with plastic wrap, & we headed out to the boonies in search of a pasture with cows in it. We wandered around until we had a box full of, you guessed it, fresh cow dung! I sealed the bag, sealed the box, wrapped it in birthday paper, wrapped it in brown grocery bag paper, & mailed it to the ex at her home.
To this day, she thinks Dan sent her the box! So I really got a bit of revenge on the boyfriend as well. That was 42 years ago, & I don't think if it very often, but when I do, my mouth lifts in a huge grin.
P.S. I kicked that boyfriend to the curb shortly after sending the box. Older & not so stupid by then!