There was this girl , quiet good looking and thats all about her. She used to get lots of attention from guys and I guess due to that she was literally started behaving like a bit*h.
Anyway it didn't bothered me much , I hardly talked to her anyway. Things changed when she became roommates with my girlfriend. Though I knew about her personality I didn't stopped my GF from befriending her.
Days passed , everything was going normally. One day my girlfriend came crying to me and said she never imagined I would say such bad things about her.
I was amused. I had no idea what the hell she was talking about. After some hue and cry she told me that her new room mate said I talk shit about her behind her back and make fun of her in front of my friends.
I could not believe the non - sense I was listening to.
I knew this girl was not the kind of person you would probably be friends with , but now she has crossed all the limits. She was literally trying to malign my image in front of the person I really cared about.
I had taken enough shit from this girl . I needed to do something real soon.
Next day I was really furious , I went to the class where professor was taking a class. She was sitting in the middle .
Me - what you think of yourself. Just because you are getting some attention from few duffers, you think you are some model or what ?
First of all you are nothing outside this college , on the contrary you will be considered below average and secondly try to have a decent character.
Stop spreading lies and you better don't talk about me ever again or next time things wouldn't go smooth for you .
She almost had teary eyes . But someone had to teach her a lesson. After that time she never bitched about anyone again.
I could sense how proud my friends felt at that moment as their eyes were glowing with happiness because she was talking shit about everyone and no one had the guts to call her bluff out. Few clapped .
Karma is a bitch . But sometimes you can't wait for karma to do it's bit and have to take steps yourself.