Optician and Contact Lens Practitioner licensed in N.Y. · Author has 3K answers and 17.7M answer views · Updated 3y ·
The bride did not show up. The guests were at the church, along with the bride’s and groom’s families. The bride’s maids were missing, but the groom and the groom’s men were waiting. We all waited. For 1 1/2 hours. Finally, the maid of honor showed up, and announced that the bride decided she was not getting married. It seems that she used the airplane tickets for the honeymoon to elope with someone else. We all left the church somewhat “rattled”, and felt very bad for the groom. However, that was only the bride’s 1st wedding. Almost 40 years later, and she is on to husband #6. I did not attend any of the other (elaborate) weddings.
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