It was when I was 19. I had two best friends since school, and we were literally doing everything together. We had a common chat, hung out together, could trust every secret to each other. However, one of those friends (let’s call her Ann) was very conflictual, sometimes she was mean to us, etc. The other one (let’s call her Mary) was peaceful and kind.
Once I learnt that my and Mary’s favourite rock group was going to give a concert in our city. I suggested her to come there and she agreed, but we didn’t buy tickets.
After a week or two, I reminded her of a concert and suggested to buy tickets immediately. She suddenly refused because of some reason (I don’t remember exactly). I decided not to go because I didn’t want to go alone, but generally I was completely OK with that, no offense was taken.
However, there was another reason for her to decline my offer.
Ann’s father had a business trip to Saint Petersburg, and his company paid for his hotel room. However, he decided to stay at his sister’s since she lived here. He offered Ann to go to that hotel room instead of him, so she only had to pay for the train tickets. She also could take one friend.
She decided to invite Mary instead of me. As I learnt later, it was because we and Ann spent more time together recently, and Mary was very busy with her studies. But they kept it secret from me. I didn’t know anything.
But I learnt it, because I read Mary’s messages occasionaly (and I’m not proud of that). I found that Mary was in panic when I asked her about the concert and texted Ann wondering what to do :D And Ann said something like ‘aah, just make up something’. I didn’t got mad at Mary, but I got mad at Ann because not only she lied to me but also made Mary lie to me, made her do things she wouldn’t normally do.
I decided not to tell them anything but when they were already in Saint Petersbutg I started texting in our common chat some pranks like “Girls, let’s go for a walk”, etc. It was funny to read their messages as if they were not together. Finally, they gave up and admitted that they came to Saint P without me, I admitted I read their messages, and we had an unpleasant conversation.
As it turned out later, their trip was a complete disaster. For example, they bought tickets to Mariinsky theater, but they were late for the ballet show and had to watch everything from the rear, standing for 2 hours. Moreover, when they were already on the train station to go home, they decided to go to the shop and buy a present for me to apologize. They were choosing for so long that they missed their comfortable high-speed train and had to buy the cheapest one to return home.
We made up later and continued our frienship. However, we had a few more quarrels with Ann and now she hasn’t spoken to me and Mary for a long time. Me and Mary are still good friends.
It’s just a story about how the best thing you can do is to be honest to each other.