I am in the mall, and I am shopping for clothes, looking around for stuff, just relaxing. In one of the corners of the mall there was this little open boutique that was selling apples covered in caramel. I walk past it and stop for a second looking at the apples (I liked the way they were organized all in a perfect line and all that) and the lady standing behind the little boutique rudely asked me if I’m going to buy anything.
I responded : “No, I don’t really like caramel apples but thank you for asking”. The lady looks at me and scans me from head to toe (I was wearing some running shorts, tshirt and running shoes that were kind of dirty since I ran and outside was raining). “You don’t look like you can afford one anyways”
Shocked by her answer and how impolite the lady can be I inhaled deeply and shouted
“Free caramel apples!”
Now imagine about 30–40 people (about 20 of them were kids) run to the boutique, take one or more apples and leave, all in about 20–25 seconds, while the lady stood there with her mouth open just watching her stand get cleared.
Edit: Wow! My first answer that gets some attention. Thank you everybody for the 100 upvotes.