I worked part-time for a retailer in the mid 90’s that was failing due to bad management. They were circling the drain and doing the usual…blaming the employees, demanding more and more from everyone, and replacing manager after manager with increasingly incompetent tyrants trying to show how tough they were. They had fired nearly all the old staff, and were cutting hours to the point where the remaining “full timers” were going to lose their insurance. And the weekend before Thanksgiving they fired the last decent assistant manager, the guy who had given his all and tried his hardest to make it bearable. The store manager was a moron hired from a totally different industry whose response to concerns was “McDonald’s is hiring, bitches”, and who immediately cut the full-time hours to trash their insurance. So Wednesday night before Black Friday we all called the store voicemail and quit. All of us. Every last employee. The moron manager called everyone and BEGGED people to show up, only to receive a big “FU”. I actually laughed at her when she started crying and told her “McDonald’s is hiring, bitch, Merry Christmas” and hung up. The store didn’t open and they flew in staff from another city to get it open by… Sunday. The manager was fired, the DM was fired, and the whole chain was gone by Spring. I laughed my ass off. Still wear the watch I stole from the store on my last night there. Statute of limitations long since over, btw. I have always been a model employee, and I know I should feel bad about it, but I don’t.