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Although it may seem too incredible to believe, reality itself is God and is ALIVE! I will now give a simple example, from my own days of higher education in university biochemistry class. I remember learning how an ATP molecule moves to a certain area of the cell, and gives off an electron to release energy to power a certain cell reaction, becomes an ADP molecule, and then goes to get recharged with an electron etc... I didn't think much at the time, but in my old age, I look back now and ask myself the obvious question: how does an apparently unintelligent ATP molecule know to go about doing this very intelligent and purposeful work? And you could ask the same question about every EXTREMELY detailed nitty gritty operational detail in the cell that no doubt experts know better than me how to describe. Physicists could ask the same question about how atoms and electrons behave, protons, neutrons, quarks, energy strings now they postulate vibrate which creates the apparent physical manifestation of quarks, etc ... everything about reality itself SCREAMS irreducible complexity and intelligent design AND INTELLIGENT OPERATION MOMENT BY MOMENT! A simple analogy might be how a Pinocchio puppet moves about by intelligent human control. Pinocchio is to an ATP molecule as the human handler is to God. All apparent sentient created beings, human or angel, operate on the same principle. Complex to us, but simple to God.

We exist in the imagination of the Almighty, a simulated matrix-like imagination existence to test you to see if you are worthy of true eternal spirit life forever. So, God is everything and everything is God. I meet God in the dimension of imagination every day, and ask to know more about how God is driving history to culminate in the return of Christ soon. Can you see the obvious? Can you admit the obvious? I ask God to explain His imagination to me. We don't see any obvious visible God-like being(s) (but just wait as open contact is coming) so we just think intelligent reality is random stuff that just happens. An unintelligent ATP molecule moves about a cell as a sovereign Almighty intelligent God causes it to do. Every atom and molecule of our bodies does the same. All unintelligent elementary particles of our human bodies do as the sovereign God wills, who is intelligent. Unlike elementary particles, though, we appear to exist and have free will and apparently think and make choices and do things. But God is 100% totally sovereign always, and the unintelligent ATP molecule does as God causes it to do, and same for all our body molecules, while we appear to have a brain attached manipulating those body molecules. All is sort of like an illusion, all good, all evil, all choices, all pain, all suffering, all pleasure, is all being caused by God for the grand great purpose of universal salvation of all creation. A simpler analogy, using Pinocchio again, might be seeing the puppet dance around and appear to talk. Children are fooled (non-elect), but mature adults (elect) grow up and know the dummy is not alive or really talking. Only dummies believe the dummy is really alive. :-) We elect know invisible strings and ventriloquism are the truth. Pinocchio puppets being manipulated by humans represent humans who are being manipulated by spirit forces, angels and demons, who are in turn manipulated by Christ and His elect, who are manipulated by the One True God. Jesus called Him/It Father God. All creation/realities, apparent sentient or apparent inanimate, IS A PART OF THIS GOD! We're not really alive and independent from God, or ever will be! Compared to God, all apparent sentient created beings are Pinocchio puppets, and God is pulling the strings and throwing His voice. The simple explanation why God does this is He is love, and all God does is the most loving, true, and perfect way to do things. For the long detailed and complex explanation why God does this, please start reading from the beginning of the website associated with/under my name.

But if you don’t learn to think for yourself and define God for yourself, created beings will do it for you. Evolutionists already declare evolution is a FACT and explains everything and won’t listen to any counter arguments. When the Bible prophesied end-time open contact happens with supposedly highly evolved ancient alien-gods (demons really), they will further define for you who God is, if you don’t learn the truth about God yourself. These beings will claim to have evolved together in another reality, and now share a collective consciousness like the Borg collective on Star Trek, except none lose their individuality or are forced to do anything against their will. They are now friends, but they used to be in literal conflict between two factions, lead by Jesus and the other side lead by Satan. Now they all have evolved into God, understand all, and share a collective consciousness, reproducing the spiritual battle within the hearts and minds of all humans born, such reproduction of the battle in our individual spirits prepares one to also evolve in consciousness and prepare to join them after death. All humans' consciousnesses come from the physical beings from this alternate reality that need evolutionary struggle of spirit, similar to what they experienced, to come up to their level. But all those in the alternate reality that shed their corporeal bodies have all already evolved into this collective consciousness known as God, as those who evolved enough to change from physical to spiritual beings in the alternate reality were naturally strong enough to complete evolution into God. Humans need their help to reproduce similar experience and evolve their spirits (minds) enough to join them after physical death. Some called the elect in human history have done this, but many humans still need help, and the aliens are now openly showing to help mankind get to this stage of evolutionary development before we destroy ourselves. They gave their collective consciousness a name called Jehovah, the Almighty God, the Most High, otherwise known as Father God. Jesus was the first to cross the God-barrier and become this God, and volunteered to relive physical existence as example to other humans, because He was the most loving and self-sacrificial to be able to do this and became God before any others, but the collective consciousness of God contains all spirit being characters humans know about, such as Michael the Archangel, the angel Gabriel, Satan, etc... These beings just play roles of "good" and "evil" in human minds to reproduce the struggle over such concepts and "truth" to help evolve mankind in similar manner as they and become God also. The Holy Spirit is the name they give to the combined neural energy of the consciousnesses that make up the collective consciousness of God, each individual spirit being like one brain cell in the human brain. Just as trillions of brain cells combine neural energy to form a singular human consciousness with a name, so too the joining of singular spirit beings is like human brain cells combining consciousnesses to form the spirit in that one human, and so too the combined neural energy of all spirit beings contributes to the Spirit of this One God. The combined consciousnesses of spirit beings is called the Holy Spirit, analogous to the human spirit, composed of combined consciousnesses of many brain cells. Jesus is the preeminent "brain cell", the first one to cross the God-barrier, analogous to the first brain cell to form in the fetus of a mother's womb, and Jehovah is the personal name they have given to themselves, and Holy Spirit of God is the combined collective consciousness of Jesus and all spirit beings, including Satan, who are all friends now, sharing the same mind. Puts a whole different spin on the idea of God being Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, don't you think? There is much truth to these ideas and concepts about what God is doing, as the devil is clever to mix much truth with some lies, as this is more deceptive.

"And the serpent said unto the woman, 'Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.'" (Genesis 3:5-6) Satan lied because people have been dying ever since, but some partial truth makes lies work better, as even God confirmed the serpent spoke some truth about our original parents now knowing good and evil. "And the LORD God said, 'Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil.'" (Genesis 3:22) I suggest to read the rest of my site, which outlines in detail what is true, and what is false, in these concepts of evolution and deep time, and what God is really doing, and what is going on in human history. But briefly, there is a collective consciousness within the "Created Beings God" class (Reveation 3:14) called Christ and His elect. Father is part of this collective too, but He is the only One who truly knows all things. God uses the devil to do some necessary dirty evil work, but Jesus and Satan are not "buddies", working together, sharing the same collective consciousness, and just different sides of the same coin. That is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit to think so, and what the end-time's deception is all about and most fall for it. Only the elect do not. Actually, we work through it, and are likened to NOT have committed blasphemy of the Spirit, a technicality only because we work through it and overcome it. But since we do it too (and so did Jesus), we understand others and have compassion on others, who are NOT supernaturally empowered to see through the deception. This is how Father proves He exists to angels (one of many ways) who cannot see Him either. Father God supernaturally empowers His elect in history to truly understand the deep issues of life and the heart and see through the devil's deceptions.

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