Scientists are starting to prove simulation theory, that reality is literally like the matrix movie alludes! Although simulation theory, like evolution theory, has been philosophized for millennia, only now in modern times, we have found SOME evidence for both theories. But one theory must trump the other. You cannot totally trust the 5 physical sense "evidence" if we are in a matrix that was designed to deceive the 5 senses. Makes logical sense, right? So, simulation theory is where Darwin's evolution theory was about 150 years ago but is making fast progress in recognition. They say, if computer power keeps growing at the current rate, we will build an actual matrix in maybe 50 years or less. Then it will be more intuitive for people to understand we just exist in another layer of matrix that God programmed. Then it will be easier for most to understand that simulation theory trumps evolution theory. True elect like me in the future, could create a matrix simulation program to demonstrate. I used to program computers even, but in 50 years it will be even more complicated computer techniques. My program would have a person enter the simulation and show them a reality so much like the current "real world" that they can't even tell they just stepped into a computer program of the so-called "real world." The room will initially look the same. Then they go "outside" and talk to "people" who will talk like real people about beliefs like evolution. A stranger will pick up a stray "cat" and say it is proven fact it evolved from "dogs." But unlike this reality, which has NO solid evidence for macro-evolution (change into different species), this simulated person will be able to take the user to a computer simulation of a real computer and pull up tons of data and scientific evidence to PROVE macro-evolution 100%. The data will show crock-a-duck, clear proof of macro-evolution that only a fool would deny. The museums will have fossils with clear crock-a-duck type fossils going back billions of years... nah, actually, I will program trillions of years into the simulation to make it more realistic, for a mere postulated 5 billion year old earth CANNOT create such genetic diversity like we have. Then I might even program this fake reality to be able to make it possible to create life from non-life and watch it evolve naturally over trillions of years in the lab, as my simulation will also be able to isolate the lab experiment environment inside a time-bubble and do some Einstein type time dilation inside the experiment to simulate evolution over trillions of years. But simulated evolution in an entirely simulated environment does NOT make sense to totally trust such evidence, right? A science mind should understand that. I could easily then hit a programmed button and to cause the simulation to change around the real human, so that everybody around the real human in the simulation thinks their "universe" is even untold trillions of years older than the last simulation, and the evidence for evolution even stronger, and only an insane person would deny it!
I trust my reader understands my analogy. Even in this fiction future (no longer fiction in less than 50 years probably, if computer power keeps advancing) THERE WILL ALWAYS BE PEOPLE WHO WILL SPIN THEORIES TO DENY THE OBVIOUS AND "PROVE" WHAT THEY WANT TO BELIEVE! There is no God? Who started the first simulation then? Even if I create a simulated world wherein intelligent beings create simulations within simulations within simulations, etc.... there always must be an intelligent first cause Being (ie God) to start all the simulations. Makes logical sense, right? It takes great intelligence to program a complex computer generated simulation of reality. And within such a simulation, it is NOT logical or common sense to totally trust so-called "hard" evidence for evolution, even if there was such evidence. The reality is (as far as reality can speak in our current fake matrix--soon to be proven I am right about this) there is NO HARD EVIDENCE for evolution, only SOFT evidence. But even if you had TONS of real hard evidence (which scientists do not have), it still don't mean squat in the matrix which deceives the 5 physical senses! One is NOT very logical or scientific if he or she insists I speak error here. Such a person has no choice but to try to prove/believe simulation theory is nonsense, because such carnal dominated human psyche simply cannot accept there is a God, and such a one simply must find some way to deny the obvious. This is why simulation theory trumps evolution theory, although both have some evidence in modern times. Soon, we will build an actual matrix and honest scientists will have to admit, the evidence points to some mysterious Creator God that NONE will ever fully understand. Except me, of course, because God speaks to me and explains these obvious and evident things. :-)
Simulation theory will trump evolution theory in probably less than 50 years, whereas Darwin's theory required 150 years to gain massive worldwide support. I have a scientific left brain (prove truth) like everybody, but I also try to connect with intuitive right brain (sense truth) too. I don't pretend one can come to correct conclusions without engaging both sides of the brain in a balanced way. I say we do have enough data to draw proper conclusions right now about UFOs and reality itself, and that statement is partly intuitively discerned. My simulation argument is part science and part intuition. One really can't have evolution AND simulation both 100% trustworthy truth always at the same time, and one should admit humans should NOT trust evolution evidence then 100%, but most still choose to believe there is no master programmer (God) and everything is totally random. That is unbalanced left brain thinking. Even if I could prove the resurrection of Christ, the scientific left brain would be inclined to spin that as just a random natural process resurrection then. We all spin things how we want to believe, me included, but I say I connect with God in my right side brain too and that is why my understanding is more correct than most.
Here is a little bit of both science and intuition prediction of the future, and although none can prove what will happen in the future, I hope my readers can hear rationality in what I am about to write. In 1969, the Honeywell Kitchen Computer was marketed as a luxury gift item, and would have inaugurated the era of home computing, but none were sold. Computers became affordable for the general public in the 1970s due to the mass production of the microprocessor starting in 1971. So, that's about 50 years ago that home computers started to take off. And what do we have today? Computer power in a cell phone alone way beyond the first computers, graphics already very realistic and off the charts in worldwide online internet gaming, already gamers playing avatars in simulated worlds portending what is coming in a better actual matrix one day. They already have virtual reality goggles and computer simulated ping pong games so realistic that players forget they are in a simulation. Books by Rizwan Virk, creator of these types of current virtual reality (VR) simulations, tell of his personal stories of almost falling over after playing ping pong in a VR simulation because he forgot there was no real table there and almost leaned on it!
Genesis 1:30, KJV, "And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so." This is one of many supernatural verses that prove simulation theory, as after the fall of Adam and Eve by eating the forbidden fruit, the nature of animals changed. This simulation of reality instantly changed! Lions would have previously used their sharp teeth and claws to dig up carrots and such from the ground in their hunt for food, but now lions use those same teeth/claws to hunt and kill and eat other animals! Humans are now predatory in their own ways, and some are literal cannibals, although such has always been rare in human history. None can deny that humans are very animalistic and predatory though in many ways, and this is why many believe humans evolved from animals, since we can act like animals in so many ways!
There is a difference between using our intelligence to advance technologically versus advancing morally. Humans have all the same issues and problems since the days of Adam and Eve. There has been NO real advancement, and there will NOT be any, until UFO demons are dealt with and a manifestation of the literal Kingdom of God is established on earth. The UFOs portend this open contact event and open supernatural war between God's human Rachel elect (the fleshly sons of God) and God's spirit Leah elect (the spiritual sons of God, aka demons).
So, anyway, all this computer advancement in only 50 years? And do any really doubt another 50 years could easily create a realistic matrix just like the movie??? So, my example above of a person in the future entering a simulation of reality apparently trillions of years old with 100% solid proof of macro-evolution is impossible? We don't even have 100% proof of macro-evolution for this universe, but most choose to believe it over anything else, but even if humans had such proof, it means nothing in the matrix, which was designed to deceive the 5 physical senses.
The ultimate truth is we are in a simulation of reality, and everything our 5 senses detect is only an approximation of true reality at the next level. We are both in our own solipsism reality AND also in a shared reality at the same time. Another computer example might help explain. Add a layer of complexity to my above simulation example where the person entering the simulation is also in the simulation with some other legitimate humans. One person's reality can be very similar to another human's but it can also be drastically different and none be the wiser. One person in the sim has computer settings that show tables as pink and another person jacked in on the other side of the planet has computer settings that show tables as blue. Neither is aware of each other's tainted reality, unless they start asking good questions. But even then it doesn't necessarily mean anything. One person can say to the other, "Tables are pink" and the master programmer observing can instantly override the transmission to the other who hears, "Tables are blue." They both nod their heads with satisfaction that they agree on an obvious truth, but they are both in error. This example could work in the reverse too, where two are arguing over some apparent obvious error/lie, but they are both right. We can still have some meaningful interactions with others, despite most who claim solipsism is an absolute absurdity and makes everything meaningless. My reality may yet see a UFO open contact similar to what I envision, and many of my readers may just experience a future realistic matrix sim in 50 years, which will hopefully at least jog their memories I wrote about it before it happened.
In a sim there are also non-player characters who are not connected to a real human at all, just a part of the program that the master programmer can use to subtly interact with real humans jacked in. Can anyone reading this now even prove I am 100% human? Think about it. Simulation theory that proves there must be a God will never be popular, but the future world's authority and majority will at least declare simulation is as much "fact" as evolution. But of course, the governments of the world will also mandate some type of covid-19 virus type declaration that you must comply with ungodly nonsense or you will be banned from public gatherings (for your "safety", yeah right), barred entry into businesses unless you comply, perhaps fired from your job to keep the rest of the "sane" people safe from your nonsense that the evidence just proves God, rather than the standard party line you are supposed to comply with: There is no God because _____________ says so! (insert Neil deGrasse Tyson, or any other person who denies the obvious...they are all the same to me)
You must decide personally who to believe, but I suggest NOT to be gullible and believe Tyson is an "agnostic" just because he claims this title. That is a convenient way to dismiss and walk away from deeper discussion of the issues, while disguising his anger at good questions and his lack of credible answers as open-minded agnosticism he'd rather keep private. But really he just doesn't want to try to defend atheist positions that fall apart under good questions. Neil deGrasse Tyson has said things that show discerning people what he really is. While claiming to be agnostic, Tyson says things that actually show his disdain for a Creator God, revealing he is actually an atheist who hates God but is too cowardly to openly defend foolish atheist positions like Richard Dawkins, who has so often easily been shown the fool he is in open debate with theists that Dawkins refuses to debate theists anymore, dismissing Creationists with mocking joke comparisons to flat-earth believers or those who believe babies arrive by "way of the stork" theory. But really the evidence for evolution is "flat-earth-stork" stuff that experts in his area of spiritual warfare make him look stupid and he doesn't like being embarrassed anymore. My spiritual warfare combat is more of a "creative Holy Spirit inspiration in the moment" kind of style, where I don't try to pretend the supernatural is impossible and prove things with nitty gritty science arguments and pretend evidence in the matrix is incontrovertible. I tell Holy Spirit inspired stories, parables, like Jesus did and all elect can do. All of reality is a story and things I can point to to tell a good story, and we are in the matrix movie, even if I can't fly through the air like Neo yet. Upon open contact, God will allow the human elect to ramp up in such supernatural abilities to counter the fake alien-gods' abilities, but see the rest of my site for more details about that. For right now, I will zoom you right to the spot on this wikipedia page where Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about his views on spirituality. I'll just quote some of Tyson's own words from the article and let my readers discern for themselves if they really believe Tyson to be the open-minded agnostic he claims to be: "There's a level of gullibility [ie theists are gullible] that leaves people susceptible to being taken advantage of. I see science literacy as kind of a vaccine against charlatans who would try to exploit your ignorance [ie theists are charlatans who want to exploit you in some way]" ... "Every account of a higher power that I've seen described, of all religions that I've seen, include many statements with regard to the benevolence of that power. When I look at the universe and all the ways the universe wants to kill us, I find it hard to reconcile that with statements of beneficence" ... "I completely respect that activity [Richard Dawkins' evolution "preaching"]. He's fulfilling a really important role out there" ... ok I apologize for breaking my word and commenting about the hypocrisy in square brackets instead of simply quote Tyson's own words. I just couldn't help myself. :-)
Deuteronomy 30:15, NIV starts, "For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess."
This is why deGrasse and virtually everybody in this simulation denies and hates God. He commands you to love Him! What an arrogant ass God, after the shit I've been through that God allowed (we all go through shit and know God allows it and does not stop it all)! That is why God commands love, because it is a choice and ya don't always feel like loving a God who DOES allow a lot of crap in our lives for reasons we can only partly understand. Reading the rest of my site, however, should help my readers understand much nonetheless.
"17 But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess."
Now this arrogant God not only commands I love Him despite the shit this supposedly "good" God has allowed in my life, but now this piece of shit God promises to destroy me if I bow down and worship false gods like demons? deGrasse already bows down to Satan's lies and false beliefs and will do so upon open contact too, obviously...only God's elect can defeat supernatural demons.
"19 This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob."
Neil deGrasse Tyson chooses death and he knows it in his heart and this is why he hates God. The rest of my site explains all the motivations of the devil's agents, as per what the Bible final note. Since I used to program computers, I know a little bit about computers and how they "think", because I know how programmers think who program them and why things have to be done a certain way and the limitations of the technology etc... The way computers are right now, they don't think AT ALL! They just do exactly what the human programs them to do and that's why computers have bugs and errors that always need fixing. Garbage in, garbage out, as they say. A flawed human programmed it, so it's gonna have some problems, as no small human mind can possibly keep track of (and anticipate) every little programming change you make and how it will affect other parts of the program and break other parts of the program. And it always does. Any computer upgrades or changes have to be thoroughly tested by the quality control department before release, and even then, problems always get released. Despite advances in computer technology and how smart your chess program may seem when it beats you, IT IS NOT THINKING AT ALL! My readers must decide for themselves how credible they think Elon Musk's fear-mongering "terminator-type" scenarios are right now. But I say it is GARBAGE, and no more credible than inorganic chemicals like calcium and potassium randomly coming together over billions of years and self-creating irreducibly complex interworking DNA code driven sexually self-replicating sentient humans. Ya do know DNA code is many orders of magnitude exponentially more complex than comparatively simple computer code that I use right now on my computer to type this, don't you? Think about it. Here is an article talking about artificial intelligence. Three key quotes I will pull out: "We need to talk more about artificial consciousness and we need to talk more about the lack of consciousness in current robots and AI" ... "Overall, researchers broadly agree that current machines and robots are not conscious--in spite of a huge amount of science fiction depictions that seem to suggest otherwise" ... "Even though there is a general agreement that current robots do not have sentience or consciousness, some authors (such as Coeckelbergh, 2010; Darling, 2012; Gunkel, 2018) have argued in favor of ascribing rights to robots." Since God has made me good with parable storytelling like the Lord Himself 2000 years ago, here is a parable the Holy Spirit just helped me to come up with to fit these modern times.
A scientist named Neil was giving a sales presentation with some potential investors in his new board game invention. The game was called "Ouija Technology board". He had a participant from the audience come up to demonstrate. The board was a technology advancement on the classic board game, purported in times past to be inhabited by "evil spirits". The man was able to hold his hand an entire foot length above the planchette and it would move upon questioning, without any other humans involved, and the audience could clearly see this. Neil asked the man to ask the board a question impossible for anybody to know except himself. The man asked the board what his grandma said before she died, since he was the only one in the room at the time and never told anybody. The board spelled out the correct answer and the audience clapped and the man sat down. Neil explained, "The classic board worked on the same principle, but in today's modern times we can explain and make it better. The electrical signals from the hand can be read by the electrode sensors in the planchette, as long as the person's hand is within a foot's distance away, as our sensing technology is sensitive enough to pick up electrical emanations from the hand. As we know, a person cannot even hold his or her hand above the board without conscious effort to think it, and our technology is able to pick up these invisible electro-magnetic waves and decipher new and specific frequency changes induced in the nervous system of the hand when a person is asked specific questions. Based on a programmed database of frequency spikes matched against every known English word, the chip in the board is able to basically read the player's thoughts and what he or she is thinking when asked a question. It then spells out the answer you are expecting. If you ask a question you don't know the answer, your subconscious imagination alone provides an answer." The audience clapped and cheered. Neil continued, "The board is like a lie detector test in that it is very hard to cheat. It is just that sensitive. If you try to intentionally think of a false answer, you have about the same chance of fooling the board as you might at beating a lie detector test. The results are like a controlled reproducible scientific experiment in that they are consistent for all humans, no matter your nationality, religion, gender, age, etc..." The investors were so impressed that Neil was easily able to raise the millions needed to mass produce the prototype board and get it ready for distribution within a year. He left very satisfied and when he entered his car to drive away, a dark ethereal figure appeared in the passenger side beside Neil.
"My master is pleased with your performance," the creature said. "God has given us permission to hide our supernatural manipulation behind this 'technology' to further our purposes. Our master, Satan, had to agree to certain concessions however to be given permission to do this now. It will be decades yet before we will be allowed to unveil fake artificial intelligence robots. And then many more years after that to further energize the imaginations of mankind to ultimately be able to accept open contact with highly evolved ancient alien-gods, ourselves in disguise."
Neil calmly said, "Yes, I understand, my master. People need more conditioning to think consciousness itself can be explained and created in machines by mere humans. Then they will be more able to accept your end-times' open contact deception that you are our 'gods' who created us."
"Yes...we have hidden behind technology for over a hundred years. The final stages are proceeding nicely." The creature cackled.
Does my parable seem like fear-mongering? If so, is that necessarily such a bad thing? Didn't Jesus tell some famous scary stories such as the rich man in hell? Is this story any less credible than Elon Musk and others like Neil deGrasse Tyson, who talk about simulation theory and the dangers of artificial intelligence? I don't know about you, but my google searches seem like a "magic" Ouiga board in that they almost always yield immediate answers that are what I was looking for. We are in the matrix people! That much they have right. As a former computer programmer, I have literally written lines of code that should work, and works in other programs, but not in another and there is NO credible explanation. Other programmers with more experience also cannot get it to work, though they can rattle off nice sounding possible techno-babble explanations as to why, and help find a work around solution. Things are not what they appear to be...God reveals little glitches in the matrix like this for His elect to learn to discern. I don't buy everybody's bullshit explanations anymore, and I suggest my readers don't either.
"He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast (ie AI, image of mankind, and Bible says every man is a 'beast'), that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed (magic science and technology supposedly explains everything, and if you don't go along, the world system brands you a fool and kills you, as in you lose your job and can't eat, so you die!)." (Revelation 13:15)
God tells us who the true fools are: "The fool hath said in his heart, 'There is no God.'" (Psalm 14:1) If an honest high school biology teacher woke up from the matrix, do you think he or she would still have a job if he or she started pointing out the flaws in evolution theory in class? Would Neil deGrasse Tyson himself have a job (or influence in Satan's world) if he admitted simulation theory just proves you cannot trust your 5 senses 100% and evolution "evidence" then could just as easily be false evidence God allowed the devil to put in our matrix reality to test the elect? The image of the beast (science and technology is "God" and explains everything) is already here in typified/symbolic form, and AI would just be a more fantastical manifestation of it.